Review: Shawn Carlock's guide for Long Range Hunting


Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2009
Just got this for Christmas and have watched it a few times now. I rate this video at:
:D:D:D:D:D out of :D:D:D:D:D

Chapters are broken down nicely and in an order that is logical for new and intermediate shooters.

Excellent teaching and graphics. Video is taped from a live class.

Lots of real world shooting.

Best chapter is real world practice. This can not be emphasized enough. Go out and shoot your rifle in as many conditions with the gear you plan on hunting with. Just because it has ALWAYS been 60 degrees where you hunt does not mean that THIS year it is not going to snow.

I highly recommend this video to new shooters especially. That said, nothing beats taking a class and getting hands on experience. Use the equipment that YOU are going to shoot with and use it a lot. That is why you have it, right?
I got the same dvd for xmas and now I want to take his course, no gliz or glam. just honest facts and info from a man that knows what he is talking about.
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