Remington 700 ML Question - Action Question

If it was a 50 maybe but its a 54. My interest is solely to scavage the action for a build if it was possible. I am trying to figure out how to see it under these conditions and not looking so good. If I knew for certain, I would just send him check to hold.
When I asked Remington about it years ago they said the ML actions arent heat treated like the centerfire actions.
If it was a 50 maybe but its a 54. My interest is solely to scavage the action for a build if it was possible. I am trying to figure out how to see it under these conditions and not looking so good. If I knew for certain, I would just send him check to hold.
You could have it converted to a smokeless ml with a new barrel though
The rem 700 muzzle loader doesn't have conventional lugs like the centerfire model does. It uses a screw in the side of the action that rides in a slot cut into the bolt. It's not worth converting to smokeless. You still need to convert the nose of the bolt and that will let you use shotgun primers. Not ideal for smokeless. You are better off buying a donor 700 or do what I do and buy the 700 single shot actions. I use Arrowhead ignition modules and the Brux barrel with the longer Tang to hold the higher pressure of smokeless. These guns shoot 300gn bullets at 2750fps and are very accurate. I personally just wouldn't trust the little screw in the action to hold all that pressure.
There's not much if any load on the screw. The breech plug as in any muzzle loader contains the pressure.

Whether it's a 45, 50 or 54 there isn't any difference in the early 700MLs other than the size of the bore.
Any of them would be a suitable for a smokeless build.

The Arrowhead or Badger Ridge "hunter bolt nose" coupled with one of their Savage style breech plugs is a very desirable addition to the older rifles.
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