Reloading safety reminder


Well-Known Member
Dec 6, 2004
This just happened recently to a shooter near me....Pure speculation on what set the first one off, the rest went like popcorn. Be safe out there.

@orkan <<If I'm not mistaken this is one of the CPS selling points.

I'm not connected to Primal Rights in any shape form or fashion for the record.





He is lucky he still has fingers and eyes after that. My dad had a primer go off while priming cases in the early 80s and a single primer blew off 3 of his fingers. They re attached them but the tips of two of them couldnt be saved. It has always been a reminder about safety while reloading, especially while priming brass.
First, let's hope he really doesn't have any nerve damage and recovers well etc. Really lucky is understatement!

HOLY COW! I have used the RCBS for 30+ years and never see anything like this anywhere.! I have always used safety glasses and this sure reinforces that safety requirement.

Is that an actual RCBS primer tube? kinda looks a little long but after that dimensions are skewed beyond recognition.
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What is that at bottom of tube? That looks like the primer seater went up into the tube. If that is the case, it could have compressed the primer column. With so many of these out there it would be a huge benefit to hear step by step how this happened cause I now have the "willies" thinking of priming brass with mine now.
Maybe he somehow had a primer down in female part that the tube goes into and he was cramming it down in there? Or he was jamming it in with the keeper pin in there and it became mangled and touched one off. I too want to know how this happened so I can avoid that. If he was operating the tool there is no way both hands would be so mangled like that. Had to be while loading it.

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