In my opinion, the Revic BR4 is all you'll ever need for range finding and ballistic dial up solutions. We have the older G7 BR's and use them on every hunt. If you can find a used one get it. They work GREAT! I will get a new Revic BR4 this summer. It's supposed to be better than the old ones, so I just have to have one! When you hit the ''fire" button, it takes the outside air temp, air pressure (altitude), and inclination. It runs the new information through its computer against the know data of your specific rifle, and one second later if gives you dial up for the shot in MOA or yardage. If you have a measurable wind, it will give you a moa hold in 5 mph increments from 5 to 50 mph. Range, dial up the correction, and boom! DRT! I'm a believer!