Primos Ground max netting problems

wildcat westerner

Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2009
I have a Primos Ground Max blind. It has some good qualities in its abilities to be quickly assembled, it sheds the constant wind well and, after a 5 1/2 hour sprinkle and rain opening day, it sheds water well. I have it wired to steel fence posts from the top eye bolt and also have added HD leather straps at the corners of the roof that are also wired to these steel fence posts. Thus, this blind does not move in these high desert mountain winds.
What does move is the netting! It is attached loosely by elastic and the whole situation simply scares off the Antelope and even the wild burros in the area. Is there an excellent "home made fix" that will keep these nettings taut and unmoving in these high winds? When the season ends I shall be taking the blind down and am willing to spend the time necessary to fix this situation once and for all, the very first time. I basically like this blind very much, except for this problem and doing some hand sewing with a canvas sail "C" shaped needle for repairs is nothing new to me. Please give me some serious, experienced insights. Yes, I know about DoubleBulls etc.
Gene So
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