Prayers for the Nashville Community


Well-Known Member
Sep 30, 2021
Another senseless act of insanity has rocked the community and our nation. Evil exists and we are having to face it way too often in the world today. This situation struck very close to me and my family. I have prayed for the individuals directly impacted and specifically prayed for my niece's fiancé who was one of two officers taking fire yet rushed the assailant and ended their evil life.
Your thoughts and prayers for healing and strength are appreciated.
Another senseless act of insanity has rocked the community and our nation. Evil exists and we are having to face it way too often in the world today. This situation struck very close to me and my family. I have prayed for the individuals directly impacted and specifically prayed for my niece's fiancé who was one of two officers taking fire yet rushed the assailant and ended their evil life.
Your thoughts and prayers for healing and strength are appreciated.
I agree! My thoughts and prayers to all, esp. those directly affected.🙏🙏🙏🙏
Another senseless act of insanity has rocked the community and our nation. Evil exists and we are having to face it way too often in the world today. This situation struck very close to me and my family. I have prayed for the individuals directly impacted and specifically prayed for my niece's fiancé who was one of two officers taking fire yet rushed the assailant and ended their evil life.
Your thoughts and prayers for healing and strength are appreciated.
This bothered me on many levels. Prayers for you and yours.
The demonic forces of satan are everywhere and as usual prey upon the defenseless and innocent ones. We as a nation and people need to turn back to god as our guiding light are we will be doomed in short order.

I pray for the victims of this tragedy and also for the ones taken in prior events and unfortunately for the ones that we will see taken in future events.

May they rest in peace and their families know they are in gods kingdom .
Another senseless act of insanity has rocked the community and our nation. Evil exists and we are having to face it way too often in the world today. This situation struck very close to me and my family. I have prayed for the individuals directly impacted and specifically prayed for my niece's fiancé who was one of two officers taking fire yet rushed the assailant and ended their evil life.
Your thoughts and prayers for healing and strength are appreciated.
Prayers for everyone involved, and much respect for your nieces future husband! Much too close to home!!
Not sure where God's love goes when this happens to little children but, thank God there's still men in this country who run towards rifle fire to save them. Prayers to all there in TN.
I think you answered the question yourself. God gives us this freedom of choice. He sees it in our actions. Those who choose to do evil, he sees it. And then there are those whose strength and love are seen in their actions. Galatians 6:7–8
Not sure where God's love goes when this happens to little children but, thank God there's still men in this country who run towards rifle fire to save them. Prayers to all there in TN.
Not the same situation, but I will never forget what a father once said about losing a young child a year or so later after the loss. "It took me a lot of bitter days and anger at God to one day finally be humbled by the thought that He can take better care of my child than I could."
It's been a tough couple of days for me. I was at the hospital going through a Paroxysmal Afib Ablation yesterday morning and when I woke from the procedure my wife was watching the news coverage in the recovery room. She was not aware about Rex's involvement in responding to the incident at the time. Later found out he was one of two initial responders. It is so hard to wrap my head around evil acts carried out against children and innocent people. We have to do something different to stop these insane people from having access to weapons and carrying out these acts. There were plenty of warning signs in most of these situations.
What has happened to the values of people today?
What could possibly be going through someone's head to make them want to harm a child.
I think all schools should have ARMED guards. The sick people who still try to harm kids..... short drop, sudden stop.
Fast trial, strait to a public execution. No place for people like that in society. My opinion, I'm sure it may not be shared by some people.
My thoughts and prayers go out to the families experiencing the tremendous loss that comes with a life on earth being ended too soon!

I've read information from numerous sources about the murderer. And the maps and plans that were drawn up well in advance of this heinous crime.

Folks we are in the throws of a mental health epidemic!!! If someone had the power to snap their fingers and make all firearms turn to stone this crime would have likely been carried out with a knife or some other weapon. The access to firearms for the 28 year old perpetrator is not part of the cause of this particular crime! The firearm didn't make the person kill 3 children and 3 adults. Bad people will ALWAYS find bad ways of doing bad things!

Men like OP's future nephew and their swift and selfless response are the only thing that can mitigate someone hell bent on causing harm to innocent children. No amount of "gun control" can or will stop violence. Sadly violence must be met with violence in most of these situations and rightly so. Gun free zones and other soft targets are a well lit stage for someone out to do harm and become famous or a martyr to their demographic!!

From my tinfoil hat I find it an odd coincidence that Brandon just pushed some executive orders over gun control not more than a week prior to this event. Watch for the slight of hand my fellow patriots!!!