Picatinny Rail By Norman E. Johnson


Mar 6, 2008
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question from a slightly slow guy. what is a picatinny rail and how does it help an old schutzen competitor trying to modernize.
There is a research project in Redmond WA that gets tested occasionally in Picatinny Arsenal in NJ and so some gear gets packed up and shipped.

There is a rifle scope involved, a Burris 8x32x44 that sits on top of the gear to be tested.
It is mounted with a Weaver rail:)
OK I'm confused. For years I used Picatinny and Weaver style interchangeably, because Weaver will fit Picatinny. lol did the testing hit a little snag? Slang terms bring slang parts.
Here is the technical explanation:
GunTech : Picatinny Rails, Weaver Rails, What

But the take home message is that the Weaver rail looks cheaper.


I welded onto the rear of this receiver and drilled and tapped and put Aluminum on the front.
Then I cut a Picatinny rail to be parallel with the bolt bore.
Aluminum rails always look cheap until they are cleaned up a bit. Have you found a good coating for Aluminum other than annodizing, one that will stick and not build up to change dimensions like ceramakote does?
That is a Mosin Nagant receiver.
The $30 ATI scope mount for that in 2009 was anodized and the holes and countersinks did not meet 10-32 cap screw specifications, due, I think, to anodize build up.
The 2011 ATI mount is a much thinner flatter looking coating that meets spec.

The mounts in the picture that I made took too many man hours, and I have not worked on it in a while. I will probably put a VZ59 barrel on it next month, and then maybe some Aluminum black from brownells.
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