Phrases to Live by


Well-Known Member
Sep 30, 2021
I find as I advance in age that certain phrases become more meaningful in keeping me from making mistakes in everyday life. Some are very pertinent to hunting and shooting. I can't count the number of times I have let the heat of the moment pull me into a bad decision, but sometimes a quick reference to an old wise saying has led me down a better path and rewarded me in the future.
So words to live by in our passion may not only help control our emotional urges, but also help individuals jumping into the hobby.
Reloading: "Buy cheap and stack deep". Measure twice and cut/form/drop once.
Shooting: It's usually the nut behind the trigger.
Hunting: Same as above. Don't shoot it if you can't carry it out.
General: Buy once and cry once.
Any words of wisdom?
After my mother passed away, my grandparents raised me. I was 7 and they were in their 70s. My grandfather was always full of witticism and advice. Funny what sticks with you as a kid.


If you find yourself digging a hole, put down the shovel!

God gave man 2 heads and just enough blood to run one at a time.

1 boy is a boy, 2 boys are half a boy and 3 boys no boy at all!

I am giving you two things, my name and the sense not to tarnish it.