Ordered a March Tactical scope yesterday


Well-Known Member
Aug 9, 2006
Greensburg, PA
I've been reading alot about these scopes over the last 2 months & then at the SHOT show I go to play with them for awhile at the Kelbly's booth - it sealed the deal for me!!

I was looking for a sleek tactical style scope to put on my 7MM Mag being built by Mike Bush @ Skunkworks Rifles. This rifle will be used for hunting purposes out west.

Here's what I ordered (I know it won't fit alot of members needs on here, but I wanted it for a hunting rifle):

*March 2.5-25x42mm

*Tactical Turrets w/ 1/4 MOA adjustments & zero stop feature

*Di-Plex reticle, non-illuminated

*Second focal plane

*30mm tube

Anyone else ever run one on a hunting style set-up??

The wait is 3 months - I was told by Kelby's that each scope is "made to order" one at a time.
I have been seriously thinking about doing the same thing in the 2.5-25 or 3-24 since before Christmas.

My problem has been the reticle design.

I want something that will work for hunting and have a fine point of aim at the higher magnifcations.
The tatical reticles are too busy and a simple duplex is not the best option for me I believe.

I am sure that if I could actually look thru a few March scopes that problem would be solved quickly .
I am really impressed by this site. March rifle scope Reticles

I have a March 40X with 1/8" dot .

I do believe that in this case you get what you pay for.

I would rather have a few great scopes to shoot with than "lots of leupolds".
It costs the same.

And you don't have to send them back for repairs all the time.

I think you have made a excellent choice. The power range and size is perfect for a hunting scope and you can't go wrong with the straight duplex. The 5 year warranty is a little bothersome but if it's a quality scope which I think it is you should be good to go.

After using it for awhile post what you think of its performance.
Please let us know how you like it! Been thinking about the March for several years...

Tell you builder that the name of his company and the skunk on the homepage is not cool..

Am forwarding his information to our legal folks on Monday to see if it is legal for him to use our name...

Trademark details
Skunk Works® is a registered trademark used for Manufacturing Products For Others, Namely, Missiles, Land Vehicles, Aircraft, Boats, Missile Launchers, Satellites, Shuttle Vehicles, Telescopes, Weapons, Frigates, Navigational Systems, Reconnaissance Systems, Targeting Systems and Information Systems Design and Testing of New Products For Others and owned by Lockheed Martin Corporation. Full trade mark registration details, registered images and more information below.
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Boss Hoss,

Thats your buisness, not mine!!!!!

The full name of his company is Underground Skunkworks Rifles LLC. Mike Bush is the owner - he's a good guy!!!!
If he is a good guy or not it does not matter. I am sure he builds a good product and this issue if it is will be resolved in very short order.

I sent him an email as well.
I have a 2.5-25x42 March scope ordered. Can't really say anything about it as it is a three month wait.
Let us know if you get your scope. I'm not trying to be a wise guy, but I think the factory in Japan is north of Toyko and the radiation may have some input there. Hope not for your sake. On the other hand you may end up with some kind of ray gun. :D

I did email a friend that one might not need the illuminated reticle option now on March scopes....

Seriously I hope that every one at March is O.K.

After the earthquake ,tsunami, and now recovery from the damage they might be quite busy on other tasks for a while .

Contact us

First hand from our dealer over here Deon are working as normal, however its the road networking that could slow things up regarding delivery.
Google earth showed Negano Ken 6" under water last week.

I also have at present a 10-60 special fixed focus with 1/8" dot i am testing. As an all round scope i prefer it to my X 80 IR. Lets just say i wouldnt have thought it was possible.

Like anything good, it will be worth waiting for having seen a fair few PM2's.
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