Nikon vs Vortex


Well-Known Member
Feb 10, 2011
Ive narrowed it down to these two scopes. Nikon Monarch 4-16x and the vortex viper HS 4-16x. The nikon is $440 and the vortex is $450. Which is better??

Flip a coin. I don't think you can go wrong with either and those two scopes are near identical.
Flip a coin. I don't think you can go wrong with either and those two scopes are near identical.
Yep, both pretty good glass for what you pay for them. From the guys I know shooting the Vortex scopes they are well pleased with them for the most part.

If one has an advantage of the other my impression is that the Vortex are a little more ruggedly built.
I own that Vortex, and a few Nikons including a Monarch 5-20.

I'd buy the Vortex. In fact, I think my Monarch 5-20 will change to a Vortex once mine arrives from Cameraland NY.
I own both Nikon and Vortex. You want to check and see which one has more vertical elevation adjustment. I know my Nikon's both came up about 10MOA less than my Vortex. As far as glass, they both are really good.

I have both too. At first look I'd take the Vortex simply because of the 30mm tube. The 30mm tube is stouter than the 1", has more gripping surface for your rings, and the 30mm tube usually provides more adjustment in the turret.

Update: After verifying specs. The Vortex has 75 MOA elevation adjustment vs. Nikon's 40 MOA. The Vortex has a lot of features for $450 and a fabulous wrranty to back it up, not sure about Nikon's warranty service. Of the two, Vortex would be my choice.
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Nikon has a very good warranty service. Had to send one back once under time constraints for a hunt. They had it back in time for me to re zero and go hunting.

Vortex is equally willing to help out.

I have a new Monarch 2.5 x 10. It seemed great at the range but when I was hunting, I saw some green reflection inside the scope. The coatings of the glass are green and it seemed like there was some sort of glare, etc. that was showing up on parts of the reticle. This happened in the AM, but with no direct sunlight on it. I have not seen this happen since, but I don't use the scope much. This did not repeat itself again on this trip. This did not ruin the hunt and it is unlikely that it would have affected any shot that may have presented itself. It was more puzzling than anything else as it was appearing in any direction I pointed. I don't use drugs so we can't claim it to be related to LSD or something. Maybe I have some odd eye issue that was manifesting itself.

The rear flip-up scope cap also broke at the hinge in the cold weather. I should have been more gentle with it.

My misuse of the scope did cause me to miss a cow while seated. I was magnified at 2.5x and am in the habit of flipping the rifle on the side to grip it to zoom in. When I zoomed to 10 I could not reacquire the elk fast enough and caught the tail end of it going back into the woods. This is 100 percent my fault.
Vortex is another brand made by Optical Light Works of Japan. Similar to most Weaver, Bushnell Elite, and a few others made by OLW. Nikon is in the same league, being from Japan. You can look at price on any OLW built scope and put it in a quality category, from what I have seen. You will get what you are willing to pay for. It is a commoditized product.
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