Nightforce taking pre-orders for F-1 with H-37


Jul 1, 2008
For Public Release
Horus Vision H-37 Reticle Available in the Nightforce NXS 3.5-15x50 F-1 Model
Date of Production: To Be Determined

Nightforce Optics, Inc. is pleased to introduce a new addition in our reticle line-up for our NXS 3.5- 15x50 F-1 model: the Horus Vision H-37. Commercial production of this item will depend upon consumer demand. If you are interested in purchasing the Nightforce NXS 3.5x15x50 F-1, with the Horus Vision H-37 reticle, please contact Brian Gearhart or Ken Pratt, of Nightforce Optics, Inc. at 208.476.9814; and you can also contact your Nightforce Optics stocking dealer.
This reticle will ONLY be available in our F-1 model and has an up-charge of $500.00 - MSRP price for this package is $2910.00.
The NXS 3.5-15x50 F-1 model riflescope comes with the following configurations and accessories:
• ZeroStop – Your choice of .1 Mil-Radian or .250 MOA elevation and windage
• Set of Nightforce Ultralite rings – 1.00” height, (NF100UL)
• 3” sunshade
• Lens cover
• Illuminated reticle (Mil-Dot; MLR; or by special order, the Horus Vision H-37)

Be one of the first to have this sought after reticle by placing your pre-order today!
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