Nice pa. Buck


Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2012
central Pa.
Remember the good deal on my rifle. This just made it better. 672yds heavy dose of AMAX right through the kill switch. dropped in his tracks.


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next saturday is the last. Taking my boy up then to try for that ones twin


  • Resampled95100512150031.jpg
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That is an old deer. Nice buck though. Haven't seen anything down here in Northern Centre/Clinton Co. Deer are really sparse even in the deep woods areas.
Nice work and very incouraging. As I'm heading to my camp up by the Kinzu (south branch) tomorrow am after I put the youngest on school bus. I seen more shooter bucks this past bear season than ever before. Glad to see something positive out the whole qdmp. But thats another story for another day.
congratulations again,
Gene R.

ps. thats a prettty far poke up there with out trees in the way? Gasline or mtn to mtn clear cut?
That is an old deer. Nice buck though. Haven't seen anything down here in Northern Centre/Clinton Co. Deer are really sparse even in the deep woods areas.

2 days hunting 3 doe 5 buck only 1 legal and your looking at him. best hunting I have had in years up there.
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