NF NXS prices...

I looked about a month ago nxs 3.5-15X50 all in USD
DNR Sports 1206
1218 optics house and shot shop
1200 auroa tactical
1343 webarms
1295 snipercentralpx
and passed a second hand one on ebay for GBP 512
1199 garygunshop

If somone knows better I'd be intereted in hearing it as I might still go that way

Cheers from down under
Re: NF NXS prices... HELP finding the best deal

jwp does hunters edge have a website or anything??
I'm needing to know where to find the best price being I will be needing one very soon!
Anybody know where the best prices are?
Re: NF NXS prices... HELP finding the best deal

7RUM -- email me with what you need /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif

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