Newsome Threatens Gun Industry in California

Regardless of one's opinion of abortion and what Texas did, by doing what they did they have opened up a whole new can of worms when they figured out how to circumvent the supreme court. Anytime a state wants to do an end around on the supreme court, just do what Texas did. Justice Roberts warned the supreme court about this 2 days ago.
I have to agree in some aspects.
I am pro life and pro second amendment and a conservative
so Im not against what Texas did but how they did it. Im also a native Texan born and raised there.

If you are going to outlaw something or legalize something, just do it straight up and enforce the law at the state level with state police or city or county police or sheriffs. What they may have done and you allude to is open a can of worms. When you dont go straight at it, and enforcement is left to bounty hunters, private citizens filing lawsuits for bounty money, what you will get is the wild wild west with the good, bad, and ugly of that bounty hunting underbelly.

Crazies will do stuff for money, make up stuff, charge or frame even innocent people to get a bounty.
Enforcement of law should be carried out by duly appointed or elected, law enforcement and state and local government, not bounty hunters and the courts. I believe abortion is wrong, especially after a baby is viable and has a heartbeat, but I want the law enforced straightup with no smoke, no mirrors, no $10,000 rewards for filing lawsuits.

This musta been dreamed up by lawyers.....The can of worms is if its good for abortion in Texas, why not gun control in California or any blue state? Where does it stop?
Supreme Court is corrupt.....I am totally cynical they get any of this right because someone has John Roberts on a string.....He is a puppet.

Any conservative cause I am for, whether gun rights under the 2nd Amendment, Free Speech, the right to make my own medical decisions
(vaccinations), the radical state can
have anyone as a bounty hunter persecute me for my opinions, my medical decisions, my ownership of firearms, basically anything.....its gonna get awful wild and crazy before all the court battles, lawsuits, and enforcement actions and persecution settle down....

It could get downright ugly.

I hope not, but I put nothing beyond the radicals in our country now.

Fix abortion, but fix it head on, straight up with the vote, state and local law enforcement, and then the courts as needed.

If Californians want to have strict gun control, let them take the second amendment to court straight up and straight on. Not lawsuits filed by bounty hunters.....
If I have missed something here, please let me know, but this is one man's opinion.

A Native Texan

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