

Active Member
Oct 1, 2009
Hi everyone,
Just joined, looking for some guidance on my first "real" hunt. Took hunters ed when I was 12 (22 now) and decided now that I'm done with school full time I need to get back into hunting. I was always a hunting fanatic, but that fell to the wayside when I went to college. Kept up shooting through college and now have the free time to get into hunting again. Went hunting twice in my life. Once for pheasant (bagged 2) and once for deer (bagged 0). Just ordered a Weatherby Vanguard in .300 Win Mag with the Bushnell Banner 3-9x40 scope on Leupold rings and bases, figuring that'd be a good rifle for me to start out hunting with. I know a bit overkill for most things in this area, but I'd like to bear hunt in the near future.
A friend and I are looking into a fully guided deer hunt in the New England area, preferably VT for the 2010 season. Anywhere from 3 days to a week. The problem is we are having a tough time finding an all inclusive outfitter for whitetail which is fully 1:1 or 1:2 guided. Found one game preserve in VT that will fully guide us for fallow deer, so we may look further into that. Anyone have any suggestions for me?

Thanks in advance.


Sorry I cannot help you on the outfitter side but you made an excellent choice of caliber (don't have personal experience on Vanguard but have many friends that are very pleased with them) and of course on re-engaging in hunting again. I have a couple of .300 WM that I hunt with from antelope to moose size game with 180 gr and up pills.

I'm sure that the Banner will serve your purpose but it would not be my first choice, esp. for a guided hunt. You might also want to join and post your query on ...

Northeast -

Be patient ... guys will chime in.:)

Good luck and happy safe hunting!

Brandon, i think you picked a great make and model of rifle but the Banner scope would not be my first choice for a scope either, especially on a 300 WM. Glass is something that you should make a good investment in. It can save a lot of wasted time and headaches.

I'm originally from PA and lived in up state NY, Plattsburgh, accross the lake from VT, for 4 years.

Dear population in the NE are not great because of little food and and tough winters. If I was going to pick a NE state to hunt deer, it would be Maine. Do a lot of research on outfitters.

Best of success with your shooting and hunting.

Contact your state agency that oversees hunting in your state. Here in VA the Dept of Game and Inland Fisheries maintains a list of guides and their contact information.

In terms of your rifle, nice rifle, great caliber, scope needs to be upgraded especially if you're intending to hunt long range.
Thanks for the responses, all. I do plan on getting a Leupold scope for the rifle asap. Probably a VXIII in 4-12 or similar. I bought the the package because it included Leupold bases and rings with everything else for less than the price of the rifle, bases and rings seperately. I'll post elsewhere on the forum for scope suggestions soon.

I will check the VT fish and game website for a list of outfitters.

Thanks again and glad to be here!
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