Well, for a single stage press, Lee's Classic Cast can't be beat, their Safety Prime system work well too. Lee's delux rifle dies for your calibers are as good as any and include shell holders. You might be happier with either Lyman or Redding pistol dies but you'll need to buy your own shell holders for those brands. An RCBS or Dillon (actually Ohaus made) beam scale will do great work and never wear out. Redding's powder measures (and iron stands) are as good as they get. A Redding or Hornady powder trickler and any plastic powder funnel. Wilson case trimmers are very good, and get a good case chamfer/debur tool made like the RCBS version. Imperial Die Wax or Hornady's Unique case lubes are probably the best available (apply with finger tips, NOT on a dirty-gritty pad). Get any brand of cartridge loading blocks, one each for your large and small cases. A Berry's/Cabela's/Graf's (all made by Berry) viberator tumbler and either cob or nut media are the best values (and you really don't need polish). Barry makes an excellant inertia bullet puller too. A precision 6" steel dial or digital caliper from Harbor Freight Tools when on sale in Am. Rifleman for maybe $10-12 works fine. Hornady's "headspace" case length and bullet comparitor/seating gage kit that mount on the caliper jaws is very good and the best deal for the money.
Get mail order catalogs from Graf's, Mid-South, Natchez, MidwayUSA, etc - do a web search for each one and check the request block and you'll have what you want fairly quickly. You'll be able to get everything you need to buy for well under your budget - use the rest to build a really good loading bench to put all that stuff on!
Good luck!