New XP100


Well-Known Member
Mar 29, 2010
somewhere in ky
Chuck at Macs Gun just got my new toy done. its a 6mmx284 1-8twist 15.5" plus Chucks brake.

I wish I could find another stock like it. Ill get all the specs and some grouping shots. When Chuck gets it to me. Hes messing with me right now.:D
I'm heading out there right now to do some Charger Clone (MOA) 22lr shooting and mount a couple scopes on my two pistol AR-15 handgun uppers.
Should I take more pictures?:D
Give me a call:
[HIDDEN], and I can talk to you about build a LR Specialty pistol.

Right now all my funds are going into a .338 Lapua (or Improved Lapua) build, but I will save this thread. That stick that you have is what I would like mine to look like, but possibly in a .260 Remington. Currently, it is scoped with a LER variable Leupold, and a Fajen Thumbhole Stock (although I WOULD LIKE TO CUT OUT the backstrap of the thumbhole----just wondering if that laminate would be strong enough? Why you say? Because it won't stay strapped in my Uncle Miked shoulder holster!
Iv got a 338 AX Lapua IMP being built right now to. Mine is in a pistol form though. Kirby Allen is building it.

The Stock of the 6x284 had the strap cut off. It is also getting a US Optics 3.2x17x44 scope on it.
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