New Toy XP100


Well-Known Member
Mar 29, 2010
somewhere in ky
Its a Kirby Allen 284. 17.5" barrel with brake, McMillian stock, Burris scope and Kirbys love
Sweet toy!!
I love single shot handguns, mine are in varmint calibers as we have plenty of woodchucks in my area.
Funny; I was asked yesterday if I would sell my single shot XP after a fella heard that I had one.....not on your life, I told him! ;^) I still wish my 7mm BR had a bit more punch though. It will still drop them within 250 yards.
Talked to Chuck the other day. I told him I wanted one of his new actions. Iv got a Heavy 308 barrel and a Mcree stock. Want to make a 300 yd thumper for around here.
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