New Scope - Leupold LPS or Vari XIII


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2004
Queensland, Australia
I am considering a new scope for my custom M98 308 Norma Magnum for long range shooting (both competition and hunting). I am a Leupold fan and have been so since I got my first high quality scope (a Leupold) more than 20 years ago. All my current scopes are Leupolds.

I am considering the LPS series in 3.5-14X50 but the new Vari X IIIs (4.5-14X50LR) in 30mm tube look pretty good and I really like the look of the Boone & Crockett Big Game reticle for hunting, long range and wind estimation, etc.

I'm in Australia and the LPS, I guess, is considerably more expensive than the Vari X IIIs and there would need to be a significant advantage to spend the extra money if the latter are as good as they sound.

Any advice on the choice between to two?

I purchased the LPS in 2.5X10X45, mounted it on a custom 6MMAI. It is great. I also have 5 Kahles and it compares to them. All my Kahles are fixed power. The 4" eye releif is a big plus over the Kahles.
I have looked through the LPS scopes and I would go with the VAR III. I can't see any difference between the two but I sure can see the difference in price.

All my scopes (6) are Leupold's and will be getting the new Var III B&C here shortly.
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