Leupold vari-xIII (New reticles)


Active Member
Aug 17, 2002
Hi every1.

I'am about to buy a new scope. Already got 1 Leupold 8,5-25x50 w/large leu/targ. dot from Premier...... Very pleased with that.
I do like ret. with dot.

But i do see Leupold have som new reticles:
Boone&Crockett and the Varmint hunter's reticle....

Anyone with experience with this reticle ?
I'am considering the Varmint reticle.

Will be used on paper -->500-600yards.
And of course some big game hunting.
The rifle are:
Remington L700 (lefthand)
Shilen select match 1-10" - 27"long
McMillan A4
Badger floorplate
K.Farrell mount (getting Badger soon)
...also love the leupold dot reticles for live varminting... just got a new "varmint" reticle 6.5 - 20... looks like a new level of fun just about to begin! (can't go wrong with either) jmo
I have been debating between the Leupold B&C recticle and the Burris Ballistic Plex for my LR elk gun. Since both scopes are equivalent in price and quality, I've been switching back and forth on purchase. I was hoping someone hear would send me their Burris and Leupold so I can try them out for a year or two.

Just bought a 6.5 - 20x LR Target with the varmint hunters reticle . Have found that the ideal power setting for the trajectory of my .243 Ackley / 70gn Nosler is 18X if using a 200 yard zero .This isn't one of the recommended settings from Leupold but who cares ? Looks good at this stage but windage dots not likely to be accurate if using VLD's .Will still be a handy reference .
Liked the accurate windage and elevation adjustments . Miles better than any of my numerous Leupold "hunting scopes" which all shift P.O.I. about double what the graduations say they should .
I have the B&C reticle on a 4.5-14x50 VX3 and I love it. It is on a Tikka T3 in 300wsm. With a 200 yard zero the hash marks are dead on out to 500 yards. On a steel IPSC target at 600 yards I hold the bottom heavy crosshair on the head and I can ring the steel all day long. I would heartily recommend it. I am going antelope hunting in New Mexico in August and it should come in handy.
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