New Leupold Scope - LPS or Vari XIII


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2004
Queensland, Australia
I am considering a new scope for my custom M98 308 Norma Magnum for long range shooting (both competition and hunting). I am a Leupold fan and have been so since I got my first high quality scope (a Leupold) more than 20 years ago. All my current scopes are Leupolds.

I am considering the LPS series in 3.5-14X50 but the new Vari X IIIs (4.5-14X50LR) in 30mm tube look pretty good and I really like the look of the Boone & Crockett Big Game reticle for hunting, long range and wind estimation, etc.

I'm in Australia and the LPS, I guess, is considerably more expensive than the Vari X IIIs and there would need to be a significant advantage to spend the extra money if the latter are as good as they sound.

Any advice on the choice between to two?


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I think I need to clarify that this is not a specialist long range outfit I'm talking about here. The rifle is normal weight for the calibre about 9-10 lbs and will be used for all hunting. Thus the 3.5-14 (or 4.5-14)power range. Enough to reach out for the long shots but also small enough for the close shots that might be taken off hand.

Advice please bteween LPS 3.5-14 and Vari XIII 4.5-14.

Either way, long range or not. Go with a VX-III in whatever power or range you need. Don't waste the $$ on the LPS.

A 3.5x10 is the most popular of all their powers FWIW.

If you want to spend go with a leupold M-1.
I have a 3.5x10x40 and love it. You can shoot 10 yards or 500 yards.

Good Luck
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