New Rifle


Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2011
North West Wyoming
Well today I ordered a new Savage rifle. I am getting the 10/110 FCH HS in .300 win mag. I will be excited to test this rifle out and see how it performs. What are some of you using for bullets when reloading? I'm. Thinking of trying some hornady sst 180 gr. ??
Berger vld 190,210,230 is what I would try feeding it. No matter what you choose, post results, we are all suckers for results.:D
May give those a try what powder you all using? I'm Thinking about trying some H-1000. I should also correct my error its a fcp/hs savage
Berger vld 190,210,230 is what I would try feeding it. No matter what you choose, post results, we are all suckers for results.:D

I am a little concerned about these bullets as they recommend a 1:11 / 1:12 twist. my new rifle has a 1:10 twist. how will this affect the performance if any. kinda new on this magnum reloading stuff
1 in ten is the standard 30cal...... 1 in 11 or twelve is there slowest recommended twist. One in 11 or 12 might be OK but ten will be perfect without being excessive. No worries at all. I like h1000 and have allot of it so I personally would start there with the heavy bullets. (Nothing against H4831sc, just have not used it myself)
I like the nosler balistic tip 180gr, flies 3000 fps + with reloader 22 and expands well at long range.
I like the nosler balistic tip 180gr, flies 3000 fps + with reloader 22 and expands well at long range.

I have a box of those and powder I may give those a try. This weekend i'll be headed to scheels, i'll have to look into a berger reload manual and some Hodgdon powder and bullets.
Well today my rifle arrived, I am still waiting on a one piece scope mount so the scope is just setting on the top, I'm on call this week so hopefully next week I can get out and see how it performs. So far I have one box of nosler 180gr and going to get some berger 190gr. vld and hopefully try a few out. I'm debating about wether i should buy a box of preloaded ammo to start or just reload some and use to start out with. I have some brass that was shot from my remmington which got traded for the Savage.


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Thought I'd keep this a little updated I have gotten my scope mounted and aligned. Friday I'll be headed out to my Dads to shoot and sight in I got some nosler and berger bullets i'm working on loading for testing. i'll update with my results when i get home saturday night. Anxious to see how this rifle shoots and how the bullets work out for me. Hopefully I can get enough time with the rifle to take deer hunting this fall, otherwise i'll use my .308 :rolleyes:
O.k. here are the results.... I had set the trigger down to 2-1/2 lbs. For bullets I had some factory Hornady 180gr. SST. I loaded up some Nosler 180gr. Spitzer Ballistic Tip ( Green Tip) with 74gr of Reloader-22 and seated them to the SAAMI spec at 3.340" I did not get any Berger 185VLD's Loaded as I didn't have any H-1000 or H4831. So I got the rifle sighted in at 200 yards this after noon. the top target is with the Hornady 180gr. SST and the bottom target is with the Nosler 180gr. Spitzer. Both groups are after initial zero I am definitely going to be looking into a different scope so I can see the target better. The vortex scope I think is great but at 16x magnification I had a hard time seeing the bullseye at 200 yds and seeing the bullet holes. I'm not sure why the groups appear on opposite sides, could be me. I did three shot groups all around the target and these groups were pretty standard with the top having one off a little bit (and being on the same side). As far as the savage Rifle I am completely satisfied. recoil was very manageable for me so no brake for now, I think Savage did great as far as building a pretty accurate rifle on this particular one. My next step will be experimenting with bergers and saving for a better scope


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I use 4831sc pushing 180gr ballistic tips at about 3100fps. I get around 1 inch at 200yds as well. Seems to be a very stable load.
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