new rifle ??? Which one???


Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2012
I am looking at buying a new rifle and have 2 different rifles in mind.I am looking at a Christensen arms ridgeline in 7mm reminton mag with a 1-9 twist barrel.I am also looking at a Cooper excaliber m52 280AI with a 1-9 twist barrel.This rifle will be used for general hunting out to 600 yards on deer and elk.Which rifle should I buy? I reload so ammo will not be a problem.Thanks
Of those 2, the CA Ridgeline all day long. Also, CA offers the Ridgeline in .280 AI as well. You just have to search for one. I'm sure your local CA dealer can order you one.

Either cartridge (.280 AI or 7mmRM) will serve you well...Both are favorites of mine. Always wanted a .280 AI (currently have 3 other Ackleys), and have been hunting with the 7mmRM for 16 years. With the 1:9 twist, you can shoot up to a Berger 180 Hybrid.
I would take CA ridgeline for sure.

For deer/elk at 600 and in I would even consider the 300WSM to get a short action and shoot 180gr bullets. I have a 300wsm myself and I have a buddy with the 300wsm in the CA ridgeline. He loves the rifle and I have shot it and it’s really nice.
280ai in either rifle would be excellent. I have a ridgeline (6.5 CM) and a Cooper (6.5-284) love them both. From my experiece the Cooper has been harder to find a load for, the ridgline was super easy to find the load. Both awesome rifles though, can't go wrong with any of your choices IMO
How many rounds do you have down it? What's the accuracy like?
Currently have just over 100rds through it, looking around the .75" mark on accuracy but I have been running 129gr SST, Its a 1-8 twist so moving to 140gr Berger Elite Hunters now to see how they group.
Currently have just over 100rds through it, looking around the .75" mark on accuracy but I have been running 129gr SST, Its a 1-8 twist so moving to 140gr Berger Elite Hunters now to see how they group.
I've got a classic but haven't shot it yet. Curious how well it performs.
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