Blaze Orange
Hello all,
Been a "point-blank" elk hunter all my life with most elk taken at 250 yards or less.
Over the past 5-10 years, getting fewer opportunities. Had to stretch several shots out to 350 and 400. More than one season, I've felt lucky to have filled my bull tag.
It's time to up my long range game.
My goal is to get proficient out to 800 yards in field conditions. I know this will be not be cheap, or easy and may take quite a while. For some reason, I'm looking forward to the challenges of the journey ahead.
Read a number of articles and threads here at LRH. Been very impressed by the knowledge of the members, their experience, and their accomplishments.
Thanks for all the help you've already provided.
Been a "point-blank" elk hunter all my life with most elk taken at 250 yards or less.
Over the past 5-10 years, getting fewer opportunities. Had to stretch several shots out to 350 and 400. More than one season, I've felt lucky to have filled my bull tag.
It's time to up my long range game.
My goal is to get proficient out to 800 yards in field conditions. I know this will be not be cheap, or easy and may take quite a while. For some reason, I'm looking forward to the challenges of the journey ahead.
Read a number of articles and threads here at LRH. Been very impressed by the knowledge of the members, their experience, and their accomplishments.
Thanks for all the help you've already provided.