There is a common belief that the higher end 700s get a little extra treatment during assembly. I'm not entirely sure of the truthfulness of that statement, but I do know that I've never seen a Sendero that wouldn't shoot under 1 MOA with factory ammo that it likes, and 1/2 MOA with tuned handloads. I'd also look into getting a Rem 5R they have a reputation for being very accurate rifles as well.
Rem 700s have by far the best aftermarket support and the Sendero starts out with a solid foundation for long range. The factory stock is great and even better when skim bedded. I'd recommend getting a new trigger, good solid mounts for the best scope you can afford, and after you've shot a few break in shots through it to evaluate the potential of the barrel, get a muzzle brake installed to make it easier to spot your long range hits and to reduce recoil.