New build, browning a-bolt

50BMG Hunter

Active Member
Oct 22, 2010
Prospect Oregon
Browning A-bolt II 7mm Rem Mag
Barrel Pac-nor #7 contour 30 inchs
Richards Microfit Stock, Bedded
Timney trigger spring 2 pounds
EGW 20 moa picatinny rail
Nightforce 3.5-15x50 NP-R2
I know it is a Browning, but I love them and it is so easy to make them shoot EVEN BETTER! This is my fourth custom Browning build and have had nothing but good to say about all of the results so far! lightbulb


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I actually really liked the Browning rifles. I liked the 60 degree bolt throw. But man they sure were expensive. Plus I shoot left handed so they charge more for shooters like me, so I chose not to pay extra because I have to shoot backwards.
Wow!! That is a beautiful rifle. I love the styling on the stock. Bet it shoots well too.
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