Browning A-Bolt issues


Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2020
Duncan Oklahoma
Traded for a browning A-Bolt in 300 win mag. Took it to the range Saturday to run a few rounds. First round cycled as it should, second round the bolt was hard to lift and stiff to slide back, the third round could not be cycled and I had to placed the butt of the stock on the shooting bench and push down on the bolt with the palm of my hand with quite a bit of force to eject the spent casing. The action and breach were clean before shooting. Any ideas? I am new to posting and a member of this forum but I have been reading posts here for quite some time. I know there are some knowledgeable folks here so some help would be greatly appreciated.
Best bet is to bring it to a gunsmith and have him inspect the chamber. I would also try again with something like federal premium ammo And see if it duplicates the issue.
I left it with the smith at our local range. The shot I took, I was very please with the accuracy and the BOSS/muzzle break combo was very nice for the recoil. I was just disappointed the 2nd and 3rd shells were so hard to extract. The Gun Smith at our range seemed to think it was a faulty extractor at first glance. Just curious how that would cause it to be hard to cycle?
Traded for a browning A-Bolt in 300 win mag. Took it to the range Saturday to run a few rounds. First round cycled as it should, second round the bolt was hard to lift and stiff to slide back, the third round could not be cycled and I had to placed the butt of the stock on the shooting bench and push down on the bolt with the palm of my hand with quite a bit of force to eject the spent casing. The action and breach were clean before shooting. Any ideas? I am new to posting and a member of this forum but I have been reading posts here for quite some time. I know there are some knowledgeable folks here so some help would be greatly appreciated.
WOW, I've had a Browning A Bolt ll in 7mm Rem mag & 300 Win mag. Both with their tunable BOSS Brakes. The best off the rack rifles I've ever owned. Both never performed anything less than flawlessly & were absolute tack drivers. I used mostly Federal & Nosler ammo, but I shot others as well, never a single issue. I can't have CF rifles anymore ( muzzleloaders & BP shotguns & cap n ball revolvers only ) or I would still have Browning A Bolt ll rifles in 30.06, 7mm Rem Mag & 300 Won Mag ALL with BOSS BRAKES.
Sorry to hear you're havin issues with yours. I wish I knew how to help you with them.
I have owned an A Bolt stainless stalker in 300 Win for thirty years. It is one of the finest factory rifles I have ever used as far as accuracy and function is concerned. I did epoxy bed the front lug, glue an aluminum rod in the barrel channel and fix the crapy trigger to get that accuracy but I have come to expect such things when buying factory. One question I have for you is, when you fired the second and third rounds were they fed out of the magazine or individually fed. The Browning mags are short and recoil can move the bullets back in case. I know it's rare with factory but it can happen and it can change the dynamics of the shot.

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