Need information on Exotic Hunting Ranches....


Official LRH Sponsor
Jun 12, 2004
Fort Shaw, Montana
Does anyone have a referral to a quality Exotic Game Ranch. I am looking to book some hunts to field test the Allen Mags here in the next couple months and have contacted a few but have not been impressed with their desire to return phone calls or e-mails.

Being in Montana, I am looking to stay in the central to northern sections of the US but I would go as far asouth as Oklahoma and Missouri if the Ranch was a quality set up.

I am looking to hunt Axis bucks but exotic sheep as well, really any ranch with horned or antlered exotic game where I can test the Allen Mags.

Thanks for the information and time,

Kirby Allen(50)
Hay Mr. How's it going? Well, I do not know of any off the top of my head, but I have used this site to find outfitters in Maine, PA and Canada for hunts in the past and found it a great starting place.

It might take you some you some time to look through all the outfitters and ranches in the areas which you would like to hunt, but you seem to have so much of that (time) /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugh.gif that you probably will not mind looking. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif

I know its not exactly what you asked for but, I thought it might help. If you go to the links for the outfitters and ranches you will get all sorts of info. Most will list prices as well as animals available and info on facilities.

Good Luck and Have Fun,
Thanks for the link, I will look it over here soon. I am expecting your reamer any day now so when it arrives I will drop you an e-mail letting you know.

Thanks again,

Kirby Allen(50)
Per our phone conversation a few weeks ago; I've been looking, but haven't come across any one place that really stands out as being superb. Still looking though. Will e-mail you when I find what you're looking for. Mike
Kirby, No problem, I've been busy working on daughters rifle right now. If you go to General Discutions I'll do a post with your name and show ya pics of it so far. This way I do not hijack your post.

I have been with several bullet companies testing bullets on wild pigs, seems to be a fairly common test object. Just got back from doing that on a ranch that has hosted a bunch of tests over the years. Can give you more info by e-mail if you are interested, not sure how prices compare with shooting exotics. Think they do pigs because of cost and availability.
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