Need Gunsmith for Browning A-bolt


New Member
Feb 21, 2012
Looking for a gunsmith for a friend.
He has a Browning A-bolt 7mm Rem Mag,
Factory rifle in a wood stock.
he'd like to get a New barrel chambered in the same cartridge, new trigger, & new synthetic stock. Using his factory action.
Any smith recommendations?
He's finding that nobody wants to work on a Browning.
Thanks for any leads & contacts.
Strouds Guns in Garnett Kansas has done 1 browning abolt for me he did a good job rebarreling mine I don't know about after market triggers or stocks I just changed trigger return spring to lighten up trigger pull phone # 7854483781
For a trigger you may try the Moyers Gun Repair steel replacement trigger. I've never had one myself as the spring kit got me right at 2 lbs. For a stock, the factory synthetics are decent but Mcmillan will do stocks for A-bolts. I have the "Sako Hunter" pattern on mine. Its very nice and took about 5 months to get.
I spoke to Stan Taylor at Douglas Barrels the other day about rebarreling my A-Bolt I. He offered what I felt was a good price and turnaround time. On the trigger, you can get lighter springs from midway. The stock might be tough to find what he wants in a synthetic. I have a Boyd's AT-One that is nice. I'd sell it too if he's interested - I have changed directions on what I want to do with that rifle and don't need it.
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