J E Custom
Well-Known Member
I saw this and though everyone would get a kick out of it, (On My Bucket list).
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I might have to scratch it off my list, as it doesn't seem to be going away on it's on.
Gents before I start this...I just want to say I try to respect all view points and understand why hunters try different methods for hunting. BUT does anyone see any ethical or moral issues with this? I'm only asking to see your insight. I'm an avid hog hunter, and want to hear your views for this hunting method. Thanks for your time.
A serious question, I always asked her and I'll ask you is it the folks having a good time that bothers you?
There are many destructive species with a reproductive rate high enough that extreme measures are required to keep them in check.
Once again I would like to reiterate I'm not judging, and from one hunter to the next just asking to see your stance on the matter.
Thanks for the answer, I'm also just trying to understand.
I don't think of it as fair chase or sporting, it's pest control. A certain amount of the appeal to me is probably due to the fact it's neither one of these. It looks like unrestrained fun.
I've started youngsters on a hog hunt that wasn't as wild as maybe they thought (read canned) but it gave them an experience to build on. In the spring I hope to take a couple of kids to shoot rats, purely for the marksmanship experience. Some folks kill bison for the meat, and take a time to have an experience that connects with something pretty old-filling a freezer for the family. I understand back when the reservation system started, and cattle were issued, some chose to kill them from horseback, nothing about practical in it, but it filled a need to connect with something old.
At our core we're predators, if it runs we chase it. I think there is a place in our head that for even a few seconds likes being turned loose. It doesn't have to make sense, I'd love to take a Nantucket sleigh ride, run a couple of thousand buffalo over a cliff. Instead I scour the regulations, apply for permits I'll never draw, take kids to hunter safety courses, and try to stay within the accepted social norm. In its place and time helicopter, and night vision can be just fun.
I'm betting we could hog hunt by your rules and have a great time. There are lots of ways and reasons to do things none, satisfy everyone.
Gents before I start this...I just want to say I try to respect all view points and understand why hunters try different methods for hunting. BUT does anyone see any ethical or moral issues with this? I'm only asking to see your insight. I'm an avid hog hunter, and want to hear your views for this hunting method. Thanks for your time.