Modifying a Tikka CTR to a 6.5SS or 6.5Max


Well-Known Member
Jan 21, 2018
SE Mich
Need some advice and expertise. Currently I have a Tikka CTR in .260Rem (which is for sale on the classifieds) and really like the rifle but would like it in a different caliber; 6.5SS or 6.5Max or etc.

Was thinking if it doesn't sell, I could build it off of what I have. I'd need a new bolt for sure. Maybe trade mine for a magnum bolt. And I think I'd need a new bottom metal and magazine to fit the longer rounds. The action sits in a Boyd's At-One Thumbhole stock right now, which I like.

I'd get a new barrel, probably couldn't re-chamber the 260 barrel. But maybe, that would be ideal.

Help please.....
There is a link, somewhere on the forum, for a guy who modifies Tikka bolts.
You might be able to re chamber the current barrel to a Sherman, but ask your smith.
You will need a magbox for a 300 WM or wsm. Mountain tactical makes a good one.
There is a link, somewhere on the forum, for a guy who modifies Tikka bolts.
You might be able to re chamber the current barrel to a Sherman, but ask your smith.
You will need a magbox for a 300 WM or wsm. Mountain tactical makes a good one.


do you know if the magbox for those fit right into the current CTR bottom metal?
check out the 6.5 addiction, you can easily rechamber a 260 and no need for a magnum bolt and can use the CTR mag
Will have to give him a call and see what he charges for opening up the bolt face.

not too bad.... $135 and a few days turn around time to open it up.

Anyone know if a .260 Rem can be re-chambered to a 6.5SS or Max. I know a 20" barrel won't give top velocity, but I really like the way this rifle handles with the shorter set up and this stock.
not too bad.... $135 and a few days turn around time to open it up.

Anyone know if a .260 Rem can be re-chambered to a 6.5SS or Max. I know a 20" barrel won't give top velocity, but I really like the way this rifle handles with the shorter set up and this stock.
Shaen told me that it would be 135 for bolt face and 230 for reaming my 6.5 Creedmoor to 6.5 PRC so check with him.
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