Moderator/Suppresser/Siliencer Question


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2004
Blackfoot, Idaho
For those who know about these things......

Say a fella want's a single suppressor for multi-calibers. For example 6.5mm, .277 and .308.

What would be the loss of efffectiveness as the tolerances increased, or is this just a really bad idea?
I believe a suppressor that is built to be acurate will have a noticeable differance in tolalance. also I think when you buy a suppressor it is regestered to a single gun not multiple ones.I have one for a 338 whisper and I`m looking at a 338 edge and was told that you can`t do it legally.
I have one in .223 from SRT in Phoenix and it works great. I wish I had got it in .308 to use on everything. Go to as they have alot of info and have many posts about this.

I have a 30 cal tiger shark and I use it on my 30-338 norma 7mm wsm and 6x47. It works great on all 3 very little difference in sound suppresson. Always buy larger supressors its easier to go down in calibers. I shoot everything with no ear protection. Buy one you will wonder why you waited so long. It makes your guns that much more pleasant to shoot.
I run 308 cans on diffrent calibers all the time, but check with the manufacture to make sure that it can handle the pressure diffrences. Some 5.56 cans will work only 5.56 and not on say a 22-250. The only one I seen was an old gemtech 308 can that didnt work real well when but on 5.56. The newer ones seem to work good on the smaller stuff . i would just make sure to get one from a good manufacture.
Recoil reduction is equal to the best muzzle breaks or better. Many people overseas consider it to be rude if you don't have a suppressor on your rifle. I'm telling you if you buy a top of the line suppressor you will wonder how you ever lived without it.
Legal to hunt with in Nebraska as long as the caliber you've got it on is legal for the game you're hunting, in season w/ license, and you have to carry your tax stamp with you.

I found this information in a Post from Snipers Hide. Seems suppressors are legal for hunting in Alaska. Guess I need to start the process of getting one.

Your state and hunting with a can. - Sniper's Hide Forums

"Suppressors are legal for hunting in:

Alaska - all game animals
Arkansas - all game animals
Colorado - all game animals
Kentucky - all game animals
Maryland - all game animals
Mississippi - all game animals
North Dakota - all game animals
Nebraska - all game animals
Pennsylvania - all game animals
South Carolina - all game animals
South Dakota - all game animals
Tennessee - all game animals
Texas - non-game animals
Utah - all game animals
Virginia - all game animals
West Virginia - all game animals
Wisconsin - all game animals

These are the states I have received responses from

The paperwork is fairly easy. I would suggest forming a trust or LLC and registering the NFA items to that. It will save you the finger print and law enforcement hassle. It is also the same amount of paperwork to build one as buy one. I am building three and will have about $150 in materials and $600 in stamps. I am at the welding point and just trying to get the tig setup working correctly. If you checkout Silencer Talk there is a lot of good information on there about the paperwork and building if you choose to go that route. If you want any more detailed info feel free to PM me.
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