Meopta vs. vortex


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2013
Pretty much a rookie question, but I'm currently piecing together the parts for a .300 winny longrange build. Lookin for some advice on optics. I can't justify spending over $1k for a scope. What do you fellas think about the meopta meopro 6-18x50 with the bdc reticle and a Kenton turret versus something like a vortex viper hs or pst? I know the meopta is a pretty good scope but the 1" tube worries me a bit. I'm not really sure if the 35 moa elevation travel is enough to get me where I wanna go. With a high bc bullet in the 190+ gr range, will it get me out to 1k yards? What suggestions do you more experienced guys have? I doubt I'll ever get past 1k but I don't want my scope to be the limiting factor. Thanks
I have a Viper HS LR that I bought of off this site. For the money it is very hard to beat. I have shot out to 600 yards. So far it tracks graet. It is a 4-16 and I would like a little more magnification.

I also have a Viper HSLR but with the FFP and the XLR reticle. It sets on a 10 MOA rail and I just checked it to be sure and it has 52 MOA of up elevation on that setup which is about right. One thing to be aware of is the cross hair with the FFP on the low power (the one I have is 4-16) is quite thin and against a dark background is hard to see. I found that if you roll the power up to about 5.5 the reticle is very clear even in bad light.

Getting on a 3 inch bulls eye at 800 yards with the scope is a walk in the park. The PST was my first choice but don't like the windage turret stickin out like it does or the little battery thingy. If you don't mind the turret issue the new HST might be a good option.

Sorry I don't have any input on the Meopta scope.
Thanks for the replies. I could be totally off the mark, but I thought the elevation turrets were the same between the vortex viper hslr and the pst. What has been your experience with the zero stop? Have you had your turret customized or are just dialing moa? Aside from the first focal plane option(which I don't think I'm interested in) and the illuminated reticle, I'm having a hard time understanding the difference between the hslr and the pst.
Thanks for the replies. I could be totally off the mark, but I thought the elevation turrets were the same between the vortex viper hslr and the pst. What has been your experience with the zero stop? Have you had your turret customized or are just dialing moa? Aside from the first focal plane option(which I don't think I'm interested in) and the illuminated reticle, I'm having a hard time understanding the difference between the hslr and the pst.

The HSLR scope is 1/2 MOA per click and the PST is 1/4 per click. The HSLR has a capped windage turret the PST windage turret is exposed matching the elevation turret. The PST has a illuminated reticle the HSLR does not. They both have a zero stop that is adjusted by inserting shims and on the HSLR I'm using the zero stop works well letting the turret run by your zero about a 1/4 turn then you just return to zero. These are the things that made a difference to me.

I don't use a custom turret and just dial MOA and with the XLR reticle just hold over and off for wind. I don't know if the glass in the HSLR and PST is the same or not but the price difference is not much so it may be?? Each of the two scopes have different reticle choices and both offer FFP. Whatever floats your boat friend. Either would be a decent choice in my opinion in that price range. Hope this helps with your decision. Good luck with your choice.

Vortex Optics - Viper HS Riflescopes
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