meat locker in casper, WY ???


Well-Known Member
May 13, 2009
can any one tell me the name of a good meat locker for my lopes. also is there a rifle range there thats open all week. thanks for any info
That range is my favorite! Usually there is no one at the cannon/steel range. You can shoot from prone there and reach out to 1000. just watch out for the antelope, they have walked between us and the targets every year...
I do not know what you are planning on doing but to have an antelope cut up in Casper will cost about $100. If like everyone else, you want it done and ready to go in three days they add $20. To give it away to charity it must be butchered by a licensed butcher so it costs $100 to give to charity.

What I do that works well enough is to use the big six day extreme coolers and butcher and bag my antelope and then buy about 20 pounds of dry ice. That is enough to freeze the meat fairly well and then it will stay frozen in the cooler for quite a few days. You can add regular ice and dry ice as needed. The trick to it all is to have the extreme coolers and to butcher the meat into small packages so it freezes easily.
I am with Buffalobob on this one....Butchering your own meat adds another phase to the fulfillment of a quality hunt....And you can actually control exactly the size, cuts and cleanliness of you meat.....All the cuts in an antelope are basically the same as a deer....... The dry ice will pull the heat of the meat fast and freeze it....Where we hunted for the last two years were lucky enough to stay at a campround part of the time....For this reason we bring a small freezer (5.0 cu/ft).....All our animals are usually deboned in the field so packaging the meat is a snap once we get back to camp and in the freezer it goes.....We also bring a small generator when we camp in the hills.....The freezer is usually packed with about 5 or 6 one gallon milk jugs full of frozen water when we leave home in MN......They will not thaw very fast and these give the meat cooling a head start when we throw it in the freezer.....It is cheaper to run 8-10 hours a day than to travel any distance to get dry ice....When we stayed at a motel on our way home again we plugged in the freezer for the night.....But again the dry ice will cool and freeze your meat fast if you have access to it....Then the freezer will not need much running time at all......Also if you use the 5 & 6 day coolers, seal them shut with duct tape and the dry ice will last a little longer.......

Good luck everybody,
I do not know what you are planning on doing but to have an antelope cut up in Casper will cost about $100. If like everyone else, you want it done and ready to go in three days they add $20. To give it away to charity it must be butchered by a licensed butcher so it costs $100 to give to charity.

What I do that works well enough is to use the big six day extreme coolers and butcher and bag my antelope and then buy about 20 pounds of dry ice. That is enough to freeze the meat fairly well and then it will stay frozen in the cooler for quite a few days. You can add regular ice and dry ice as needed. The trick to it all is to have the extreme coolers and to butcher the meat into small packages so it freezes easily.

Holy cow, I used to charge $35 for an antelope, I used cut cow elk for $99. Maybe I need to start cutting game again lightbulb $100 for a antelope that takes a 1/2 hr to process by myself isn't bad.
i'm not worried about the meat as much as the capes. i want to bring home 4 heads for our walls. so i was looking to maybe have the meat packer freeze the heads as we collect them.
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When you filling tags? My garage is usually open and both freezers are emty early in the season. The price is right as its not FDA approved but clean and out of the weather!
Just give me a heads up as to when and I'll see what I can do.
MachV, wait till you see Jorvin's hand cannon :) Its a savage too!

Jorvin, MachV is one of the really nice guys! He saved me from having to sleep in the back of a truck with my buddy one night...
Great! Just what I need ....To be teased with more hand cannons:D Now look what ya made me do:cool:
Its only a 22-250 for now but there is a 284 barrel and reamer sittin here waiting for a brake....I aint puttin my eye to close to the 22-250 the way it is!! The prairie dogs dont much care for it and we's just getting started!

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