I gave up my sponsorship with a major bow manufacture a few years back due to time and financial reasons. I have shot with the top men in the world and practice with a young lady that won her 1st world championship at age 15. My son reached olympic level at age 9. They all shoot specialized equipment designed for outdoor events. Bows were all long ATA length, stabilizers in the 32-34" range with 10-12" side bars, sights were target style with 6x min (I struggle with anything over 6x), rests were all spring steel. I used both ACC and ACE, x10's would be the preferred arrows. Specialized equipment does not come cheep. My sons set up at age 9 was in the $2000-2500 range, I never kept track of my cost for equipment because I never wanted to know. My personal equipment is a PSE Moneymaker, Davis The System sight (6x Zeiss),carbon force stabs, infinity rest and ACE arrows. My sight tape maxes out at 130 but sight interferes with arrow past 110. I would have to change my form or anchor point to get more distance. You will have to post some videos if you get out around 200, I think it would be something cool to see.