just getting started


New Member
Oct 10, 2009
I have a chance to get a very good deal on a custom .270 wsm is thia a good one to start out on? I have kill a few deer with my 30-06 but been bow hunting for the last few years. want to get into long range shooting.gun)
I have a chance to get a very good deal on a custom .270 wsm is thia a good one to start out on? I have kill a few deer with my 30-06 but been bow hunting for the last few years. want to get into long range shooting.gun)

Thanks for all the help.
hey,I can not say anything about a 270swm,but take it slow.any case is something to start on.read and read some more.get some data.I like nosler bullets so I have their books.reloading can get expensive with all of the info and tools.so get the basic tools and give it a try.just keep your loads safe the powder people and bullet people have done most of the work for us.we just have to adjust sometimes.I wolud think that a 130g bullet would be a great choice to start with.they shot good out of my 270 win when I had one.and never be affaid of asking a question no matter what it is.thats how we learn.ye it my have been asked before but it can also be answered again.so don't give up.go to the reloading forum.try differant sites.John
I have a chance to get a very good deal on a custom .270 wsm is thia a good one to start out on? gun)

Hi Shedhorn and welcome

Yes it is.
I just love my 270 wsm. It is pretty much my go-to rifle.
It's very accurate and does everything I've asked of it. It's easy to reload and it likes a lot of different powders. 270 wsm is arguably the most popular of the short magnums.

The only downside if you don't reload is the cost of factory ammo. $$$ :D
I have a chance to get a very good deal on a custom .270 wsm is thia a good one to start out on? I have kill a few deer with my 30-06 but been bow hunting for the last few years. want to get into long range shooting.gun)

The only down side is the bullet selection. I chose the 7 WSM and I am glad I did.

I have used a 270 to great success but the problem was always the same, NO good
target bullets and very few good hunting bullets. that has changed a little over the years
but the 7s still have a much better selection.

If the deal is a good one then go for it. If you don't re load all factory ammo is pricey.

The problem with factory ammo is that you have very little choice in bullet weight and
make/design. and they may not allow a rifle to reach it's potential.

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