I've Been Bamboozled

BB: No Worries we have you covered! Just tell us what color to get for you!
Here is what the letter said

Dear Butterbean,

Merry Christmas from the bottom of our hearts. We care about you more than you know. It is tough for us to see a man of your stature that is needing more. So from all of us we decided to get you what is needed to make your life full. You will no longer need more because you now have a Creedmore!

You will notice a bit of blood on this rifle. It is already a proven killer and just needs a pilot like you to drive it. Take care friend and merry Christmas to you and your family.

From Steve, Brian, George, Fordy, and Riceman
Here is what the letter said

Dear Butterbean,

Merry Christmas from the bottom of our hearts. We care about you more than you know. It is tough for us to see a man of your stature that is needing more. So from all of us we decided to get you what is needed to make your life full. You will no longer need more because you now have a Creedmore!

You will notice a bit of blood on this rifle. It is already a proven killer and just needs a pilot like you to drive it. Take care friend and merry Christmas to you and your family.

From Steve, Brian, George, Fordy, and Riceman

Hahaha that is fantastic!! Sounds like you got everything you needed lol
Here is what the letter said

Dear Butterbean,

Merry Christmas from the bottom of our hearts. We care about you more than you know. It is tough for us to see a man of your stature that is needing more. So from all of us we decided to get you what is needed to make your life full. You will no longer need more because you now have a Creedmore!

You will notice a bit of blood on this rifle. It is already a proven killer and just needs a pilot like you to drive it. Take care friend and merry Christmas to you and your family.

From Steve, Brian, George, Fordy, and Riceman

These guys are a class act. Period. You can't fake this! This is a complete reflection of the core values of this board - and justifies the regard for their ideas and products. OK…I'm hooked!

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