Is there anytime neck turning is not a good idea?

Neck turning is a PIA. It is necessary only with tight neck chambers, usually found in some custom barrels. Factory barrels have enuf clearance and do not need to have necks turned, altho lightly skimming the necks to make them uniform is a good idea. It may have no effect on accuracy.
Neck turning is a PIA. It is necessary only with tight neck chambers, usually found in some custom barrels. Factory barrels have enuf clearance and do not need to have necks turned, altho lightly skimming the necks to make them uniform is a good idea. It may have no effect on accuracy.

I agree. I am just too lazy.

Of all the things I've done over the years to try and improve accuracy neck turning has had the least effect. I don't do it any more and the only reason I would do it was if I had a tight necked rifle that needed it or my brass was just junk and I was trying to fix it.
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