Insider news

Len Backus

Staff member
May 2, 2001
I thought you all might enjoy hearing a couple more features I am hoping to add to the site...if I can work out the technicals.
  • GoogleMap Member Edition. This is a plugin that allows all of us to place a pin on a Google map to show where we live. It shows up in your profile. I thought this would get a lot of use. We have members from over a dozen countries. We have guys who enjoy getting to know and visit US members from different parts of this country. You can zoom way in, even switch to an aerial.
  • A photo gallery of some sort where it would be easy to display trophy, gun or other pix. It would still be remote hosted for bandwidth reasons. Now when pix are posted, they drop out of sight in a few weeks never to be seen again...without a search.
I thought you all might enjoy hearing a couple more features I am hoping to add to the site...if I can work out the technicals.
  • GoogleMap Member Edition. This is a plugin that allows all of us to place a pin on a Google map to show where we live. It shows up in your profile. I thought this would get a lot of use. We have members from over a dozen countries. We have guys who enjoy getting to know and visit US members from different parts of this country. You can zoom way in, even switch to an aerial.
  • A photo gallery of some sort where it would be easy to display trophy, gun or other pix. It would still be remote hosted for bandwidth reasons. Now when pix are posted, they drop out of sight in a few weeks never to be seen again...without a search.

Len, those are great features, and for sure a first in our hunting/shooting community as far as forums goes. Go for it!
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