I'm hooked.....


Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2009
Northwest Ohio
....to hunting coyotes that is. I have always been intrigued with coyotes and hunting them. I like watching Randy Anderson's videos and watching Les Johnson on tv. I got to admit I haven't been out since my wife and I moved to northwest Ohio 5 years ago. Just didn't see them as much as I did when we lived in south central Ohio. We might hear them or see one once a year. But guys up here hunt them in the winter with dogs.

I went back home (1.5 hours east of Columbus) for deer gun season and my stepdad was complaining about the coyotes running the deer on our farm. I only got to hunt the first day because I got called back home to finish some field work before it got cold towards the end of that week. That was the first week of December and I am a farmer. That first day I only saw 3 deer when we use to see 20 or more. I knew something was not right. Coyotes, disease. Didn't know.

So my wife had it scheduled to be off work Christmas Eve. I thought that would be a great time to see if I could get a coyote. I got up Christmas Eve morning with some wind and about 3/4 inch of snow. My thought was this wasn't going to work. But I went out anyway.

I got to my spot where I wanted to make my first call. Tucked in the branches of a small pine tree just right at day break. Sat there for about 10 minutes before I started with some howls from my hand call. Which I still need practice. Made an interrogation howl and waited for about 7 minutes. Then I blew a challenge howl. About a minutes after I put the call down, I saw something moving across the neighbors field that was right in front of me. It was trotting across an area that was mowed in a strip for rabbit hunting. First thought it was a deer but it was a coyote. It got about 25 yards from the fence line to come on to my parents ground and it just stops and sat down. I thought I would let my electronic caller bring it in. My thought would be on and off with the caller but the caller wouldn't shut off. I wanted it to cross the fence but when the caller wouldn't shut off, I thought this was the only chance I had before it took off. While the coyote was sitting there, I let a 87gr. V-Max go from the barrel of my Rem 700VS .243. I hit it on the right side in the shoulder. I thought WOW! I hit it. I t was only 143 yards away. It didn't even do the spin and yelp move. It went down like a tree falling.

This was my first coyote ever called in and my first one I have killed. Yes I have seen coyotes while groundhog and deer hunting. But I wanted my first one with a rifle, called in, and in the cold (better looking pelt). It was a young female.

This is AWESOME!



Nicely done, told, and good pictures. As the big game tags dry up more predator hunting is indicated. It' a blast in it's own right.
Keep knocking down those Ohio yotes! The sobs are eating "our" shooting groundhogs. I just got me a new .243 and a new e-caller that will shut off (bet your's is a Primos). Would rather be hunting 'hogs in the summer sun, but this should be a nice winter-time substitute. Plus, for coyotes I'll be in total extermination mode: no worry about shooting out an area or saving some for "seed".
Thank you for the praises, guys

It's been a week since I shot that yote and can't get it out of my mind. The boss gave me the holidays off, so I have been off since the weekend before Christmas. I would have gone out to see if I can find some coyotes around my house, but we drove my wifes car down to my parents for Christmas. With the gifts and that coyote in the trunk, there wasn't enough room to bring my hunting gear back with me. I'll make sure to bring it back when I go down this weekend for muzzleloader season.

I have an Extreme Dimension's wireless caller. The wife got it for me for Christmas about 8 years ago. Was nice at the time. Says it can work out to 200 yards. I can't get to work out to 20 yards. I have to have up close to me for the remotes to get signal. Talked to the company a few years back about and they said they put extenable antennas on there units now. And mine can not be upgrade. I thought the Primos Alpha Dog caller looked nice. Any info on them?

Congratulations on the coyote, Cornchuck! That's awesome. Don't worry about running the caller steady. I know, rabbits don't scream steady but coyotes don't necessarily seem to know that. Many times I'll let the caller run and just change the volume up and down occasionally. I demo'ed the Alpha Dogg for several weeks in the fall of '12. I shot a lot of coyotes over it. It's a nice caller for the money and the remote is very handy. (I think FoxPro copied it for their Shockwave caller.) That said, FoxPro is probably the best company out there for CS. Either will get you coyotes. The important things are getting to your stand undetected and setting up properly. The call/sound comes comes after that. Keep after them. I wouldn't trade my coyote hunting for my big game hunting now!
Congratulations on the nice Coyote! ;)

The newer Electronic Callers are very nice,I have the FoxPro Shockwave and it can be set up really far away and it has a large assortment of sounds and plenty of room for extra sounds and it has several special features on it!
dude i am hooked to!!! great story! sometimes i let the caller play for 15-20 mins
some times i play it for 30 sec turn it off for 2-3 mins repeat. i wouldnt worry about it!
just have fun and get out more!!:cool:
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