Idaho wolf hunt


Well-Known Member
Nov 13, 2014
Just got back from 3 days out hunting wolves in the Boise River Basin. There were no packs in the mid-elevation areas currently. I spoke with the camp tender of a local sheep outfit with two bands of sheep in the area and they had not seen nor heard any as of late.

There was an over abundance of coyotes in the area. All it took was one lone Wolf howl and every drainage lit up with coyotes. I was able to call several of them in and got a big male that was coming in ready to fight.

The ticks were horrendous. I had to strip down coming back to camp and hang the clothes out and spray them to get the ticks off of them and sit in camp picking any off of my body.

I will head back up to the area in September while deer and elk scouting and see if any packs have moved back in.



Thanks for the report and yup we've been having pretty awesome weather. We're planning on a "look see" camping fishing trip up around McCall toward the end of the month. I'll report back for anything we see... Did you get a survey from Game & Fish about the proposed new wolf hunting rules???

Ticks be "DAMNED"!!!!!!
The Idaho Legislature, made up of farmers and ranchers, changed wolf regs this year and I fear it's a mistake. That's the job of the IDF&G. This may bring the ire of the feds down on us. It certainly will bring more enviro lawsuits.
Don't get me wrong, I would certainly love to take a wolf. I just think the Legislature stepped out of their AOR and walked over the F&G.
Too many little local F&G people, want to be bigger USFW people.

IDFG facilitated the federal wolf plan. Change only began when elected officials pushed back. Governor of Idaho in the state, and Tea Party types threatening USFW budget.

You can probably find some of those taped meeting online if you look. Rainbow warriors speaking until dawn, sportsmen told to sit down.

We've had commissioners here (WA) with ties to pro wolf organizations. Don't fool yourself as to the politics involved whether it's farmers, and ranchers, or "sportsmen's groups".
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