Idaho Panhandle Early Season Deer Tag

N Corey

New Member
May 12, 2012
Just checking to see if anyone on this forum had ever drawn this tag before and if anybody has any info, thanks alot.
I would like to open this thread back up as I have drawn a 2014 Idaho Panhandle early deer tag and like to see if maybe after 2 years someone has anything to comment on, good, bad or the ugly!

This is an any buck deer tag for rifle starting Aug 30 through Dec 1 in the Panhandle units 1-7 & 9. This allows a rifle hunter to access the high country of North Idaho and chase deer with a rifle. General season is Nov 1 and run the risk of being snowed out. Although it is for both species it seems like the majority of the people try for the Mulies.

This will be the first year that I will specifically try for a Mule deer. I was just curious if anyone has any pointers. I spoke with a Fish & Game "Biologists", that was literally a waist of time and effort. Any of the resources for hunting mule deer in Idaho is for the south portions and very little in the Panhandle.
Warning! This thread is more than 11 years ago old.
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