How to find a supportive long range outfitter

Len Backus

Staff member
May 2, 2001
How do you find a quality outfitter who is supportive of your long range hunting style? Tell us whom you recommend for deer, elk, sheep, etc.
By the way, Kirk Kelso of Pusch Ridge Outfitters is a no-brainer choice for me and Coues deer in Mexico next January.

For mule deer in Montana last fall I used Tracy Weyer of Hidden Valley Outfitters. I am going back there this November for a 700 yard mulie.

Len Backus

posted April 11, 2001 08:04 PM

Bud Meadows
New Member

From: Birmingham, MI
Registered: April 12, 2001
Posts: 2
LEN: Be sure the mulie you shoot with HVO is only a 28 incher or so. I'll be there from 11/8-11/12. It should be awesome hunting. I'm bring two close hunting buddies from Alabama, plus my sister from MA.
posted April 12, 2001 09:23 AM

kirk kelso
New Member

From: Tucson, Arizona USA
Registered: April 12, 2001
Posts: 3
I look forward to you joining us down in "Ole Mexico" this fall for a Coues deer hunt. This animal, due to its habits and habitat, is probably the best animal on the North American Continent to hunt if long range is your game!

Those B&C Antelope we hunt every fall would run a close second!

Kirk Kelso

posted April 12, 2001 04:33 PM

Dave King

From: Damascus, MD
Registered: April 11, 2001
Posts: 13
I met an outfitter a few years back that eventually let me shoot long range with him on hunts. He was initially fairly sceptical about claimed accuracy and capabilities and didn't come around until after I had a few "varmint" hunting sessions under by belt with him and his guides. I started out hunting wild hog and coyote and ended up on an elk hunt.

I'd guess that he is fairly representative of the standard outfitter that dosen't cater to the long range only crowd. On the elk hunt I witnessed first hand the complete lack of preparation exibited by some hunters. After that experience I had a far better understanding of this particular outfitters scepticism of hunters claims of experience and capabilities.

posted April 12, 2001 05:18 PM
I've heard of outfitter's taking their clients to the range apon the clients arrival. Usually to check the rifle after being handled by the airlines.

If I was an outfitter, I think I'd be sckeptical as well. In MT, I don't know many ranges over 400yds. I'd want to have a guy show me a token shot or three, to show me he might know what he's doing.
Very good point---when I hunted the on the Mescalero Apache reservation I was fortunate that the Hunt Director knew my Smith and also was familiar with IBS 1K BR. I sent him to a web site that showed my 1K Score State Championship won the year before, the HOF points I have amassed and a range record for the closest to the center of the bull.

On the other hand if you have no qualifications they will not let you hunt long range because these are guided hunts period. When I arrived and went to check zero for the altitude a few of the people already there were shooting at the range they have. Herman was good enough to put a target out at 300 for me as that is my zero range before I arrived (no one else had ever done that according to him). When the big rest came out along with my other bags, cleaning rods etc people gathered around to watch.

Long story short shot 3 shots in less than a minute in 1.5 inches out of my un-braked 338 Slowpoke (Lap Imp). Did not have to shoot that fast did smart a bit as well but because of some of the comments made I wanted to prove a point lol. Had a 8 o'clock condition and called the shots at 2:00 and 6 inches (actually was 4) before the trigger pulling began.

It sure did get quiet after that---spent the next couple of hours and it was fun demonstrating proper bench manners and cleaning procedures. Bottom line do not expect anyone to believe how well you can or cannot shoot without something quantifiable to prove it.
Look right here. If you arived with time enought for me make sure you know what your doing then I have ranches
That will knock any shooters socks of. I'm talkin you can actualy take shots from 600- 1200 yrds
On 40- 70 degree silde slopes. Trust me that's wayyyy uncomon.
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