Hodgon Powder -IT Issues with the website

Coyote Shadow Tracker

Well-Known Member
LRH Sponsor
Dec 9, 2020
Social Circle, GA
Hey Y'all if you happen to have an issue with purchasing powder from Hodgon (like we all do have issues) and you call for customer service. PLEASE be nice to Sherry. She is the customer service rep for the powder division. She gets all the irate calls from people that could not get the powder purchased even though they had it in their cart. Sherry does not control the IT department so make sure that you do not take you frustrations out on her. Even with all the IT issues and customers not being fair to her, she still tries to the product to the.
Just think she could be your wife, mother, sister, daughter. Show respect and treat her well. Remember it is not her holding up the powder in these crazy times. She is actually the one trying to help you and does a GREAT job! This goes for all the customer service personnel you deal with.
Be nice and you will be treated nice!!!
Len & Jill