Help with velocity numbers

I didn't shoot paper but on still looks really good like make 3in or hair better. My buddy put a kyl rack like Eric at 591 and the little 2 in steel I hit 5 for 5 so I would guess it shoot pretty tight
I've fought this issue with a couple of rifles and have learned to do the reverse zero method. I input the velocity in my solver (Revic BR 4 in my case) and shoot at mid and long range targets. Mine are 656 and 1077 yards. If both are high or low by the same relative amount, I adjust the zero on my scope to fit. If, say, the midrange is on and the long range is low, I'll true the velocity to the long range target and then have to adjust zero to get both on again. That takes a little tinkering sometimes. I only use the 100 yard target to check the windage zero. I don't care if the elevation is off a little. Also, I've learned that if you true up your drops by changing the BC much, it really makes your wind solutions inaccurate in your solver. My 25 creed/135 Berger has a 2885 velocity but trued up to 2855 fps.
I'm at a loss that's a fairly large difference at that distance and if everything we've talked about is truly correct I don't know the answer. I've never seen an LR or Garmin be off on velocity that far.
It appears to me that you are changing the one variable that you can measure, velocity.
The whole reason for having a chrono is to measure velocity so it is not a variable anymore.
There are a lot of things going on and I suspect that you may have several small things. BC does change over distance. One BC number does not work for shots beyond 600 yds. I suggest that you take the time to set up and shoot some good paper targets and measure the groups and measure the height difference from the actual to the Kestrel. Without measuring you are guessing.
I check my zero after the 600 before I went and shot a 1000yards even threw on a buddy nightforce since I'm running a mark5. Result are the same with both optic. My load is only 40.8 h4350 so nothing hot at all. I even used my buddy Garmin too. I guess I left out I had 2 buddy shoot the gun just to see if maybe it was me be they got the same thing
With 40.8gr H4350, unless you are running a 30" barrel, I highly doubt you are at 2960fps w. a 135. I bet the 2860 is correct.

I am running 42.4gr H4350 in a 26" 1:7.5" Brux and am at 2986fps w. 135s, BR4 and Lapua 6CM necked up to .257". My other 25CM is a 26" 1:7" Bartlein MOD400BB and running the 133s @ 2974fps w. 42.3gr H4350 and Fed GM210M in Alpha brass. This one took longer to speed up with the harder steel.

What was wind doing at 600 and 1000?
Did you verify your scope is tracking true?
Are you using G1 or G7 BC numbers?
You are dead on at 100? Even 1/4" high will make a difference.
Did you change temps and density altitude in your app?
All rifle and load inputs are correct?
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With 40.8gr H4350, unless you are running a 30" barrel, I highly doubt you are at 2960fps w. a 135. I bet the 2860 is correct.

I am running 42.4gr H4350 in a 26" 1:7.5" Bartlein and am at 2986fps w. 135s, BR4 and Lapua 6CM necked up to .257". My other 25CM is a 26" 1:7" Bartlein MOD400BB and running the 133s @ 2974fps w. 42.3gr H4350 and Fed GM210M in Alpha brass. This one took longer to speed up with the harder steel.

What was wind doing at 600 and 1000?
Did you verify your scope is tracking true?
Are you using G1 or G7 BC numbers?
You are dead on at 100? Even 1/4" high will make a difference.
Did you change temps and density altitude in your app?
All rifle and load inputs are correct?
I'm running 26in barrel 6.5srp Lapua neck down. To get my kestrel to match at 600 had to input 2960 and the g7 bc at a thousand I inputted .320. The zero is pretty close to dead zero here's a picture. Yes I input the pressure temp and humidity in for that as well. Also on the kestrel I captured the live temperature. My rifle info is input right. The scope height is 2.3 in I actually measured it out. Once I inputted that info I actually was able to shoot out to a mile that day.


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Is it a proven scope you're using? I've had vortex razors and vipers in the past adjust in incorrect increments. I had a viper that turned in 1/2moa clicks when it was marked 1/4, and I had a razor that turned was marked 1/4moa clicks but turned in closer to 1/3moa. At range, that makes perceived elevation change per the turret dramatically different than actual elevation change of the POA.
Is it a proven scope you're using? I've had vortex razors and vipers in the past adjust in incorrect increments. I had a viper that turned in 1/2moa clicks when it was marked 1/4, and I had a razor that turned was marked 1/4moa clicks but turned in closer to 1/3moa. At range, that makes perceived elevation change per the turret dramatically different than actual elevation change of the POA.
So I the leupold mark 5 that you see mounted on it is new but I put a proven nightforce NX8 on it and Kahles all the same results. I even had my buddy that own the range shoot just to take me out of the equation
True statement but this is the first time ever being 110fps different than what the radar showed
Don't get caught up on the velocity discrepancy. You're correcting every error in the model by changing one thing. It's likely a lot of little errors that all happen to line up the same way, requiring a large correction on the one knob you're turning to account for all of them. Your measured velocity is probably correct within the Labradar's margin of error, you're just making a large correction to fix other errors.

If you're worried about it you could try a CDM if it's available for your bullet and program the sight scale factor in your kestrel.
I'm running 26in barrel 6.5srp Lapua neck down. To get my kestrel to match at 600 had to input 2960 and the g7 bc at a thousand I inputted .320. The zero is pretty close to dead zero here's a picture. Yes I input the pressure temp and humidity in for that as well. Also on the kestrel I captured the live temperature. My rifle info is input right. The scope height is 2.3 in I actually measured it out. Once I inputted that info I actually was able to shoot out to a mile that day.
Is the zero photo inverted (upside down)? Or are you actually low?

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