Help me draw a sheep tag....

+1 for KurtB's comments.

FWIW, I chose to start saving toward an Alaska or Canada Dall sheep hunt several years ago, knowing that all money saved would eventually result in a hunt.
Turns out I got on a discounted cancellation hunt this year - three years ahead of my original savings schedule.
I had also maintained a relatively high level of conditioning, so that I was able to commit to a backpack hunt on short notice - and it turns out the outfitter was pretty emphatic about not taking a last-minute hunter who was not already in shape.

I also drew a nonresident desert bighorn ewe tag in a western state this year, with minimal points, by studying the odds and deciding that a DIY desert bighorn ewe hunt in my lifetime was better than potentially no desert bighorn hunt at all.
I'm 49, so I do not have an endless runway to acquire PP.

I do apply for PP in a couple of states, and also participate in those states' raffles, but I stick to a budget, including saving for potential cancellation opportunities.

If you choose to go the save-for-a-hunt route, I suggest you consider going to the Sheep Show in Reno when you're 1-3 years out from being able to go on (i.e., pay for) your hunt. Relatively quick and easy way to get lots of information and see which outfitters may be the best fit for you. I took one day off from work and the family, flew in and out of Reno the same day, and got a lot of good information that helped me get on the type of hunt I wanted, earlier than I had hoped.

Good luck, develop a plan and a budget, and stick with it.
Well, it's possible. I have been killing sheep most of my to hunt Aoudad--done it in West Texas, and off the Cap-Rock. I try to do it every year--it is an awesome hunt.

If I were you. I would get in a program such as TAGS and sign up everywhere possible. It will cost you about 7K in outstanding money, but will get most of it back if you do not draw--and they will help you manage the timing.I put in WY, CO, ID, NV, TX, UT,NM,-- I have been saving for my stone sheep too and have about $18K for it--it just keeps going up. I've been putting in for 11 years (started at 31)and drew a desert sheep in Texas (...I was pretty pleased) Good luck on your adventure.

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