Hawkins Hunter DBM Troubleshooting


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2014
Black Hills, SD
Hello all - I am dealing with what I believe is a spacer issue between the stock (manners mini chassis) and my bottom metal. I am using the Hawkins Hunter DBM and I've got a spacer both front and rear. If I load up three cartridges (6.8Western) and cycle the bolt (pointed in a safe direction of course) the first two will not actually eject but the last one will. I am thinking this isn't an ejector issue but more of a spacer issue but I don't know if I need more, less or a difference between front and rear. I'm thinking there is too much spring tension and when I cycle the bolt to eject the cartridge and it just sits on top of the magazine instead of ejecting it's because the spring pressure is over riding the ejector force. Is this correct? Any help is appreciated.
Of you insert an unloaded magazine on the rifle, can you cycle the bolt without the bolt interferring with the magazine body or follower?
One ejector works just fine. If you think it's the magazine spring pressure you can usually remove the follower and bend the spring to change the tension. I've had to do this on the front or rear of the spring to feed from the mag properly.

You can always call Hawkins. They answer and are very helpful.
One ejector works just fine. If you think it's the magazine spring pressure you can usually remove the follower and bend the spring to change the tension. I've had to do this on the front or rear of the spring to feed from the mag properly.

You can always call Hawkins. They answer and are very helpful.
I appreciate it - if one ejector works just fine and I have zero interference with the empty magazine while cycling the bolt, it must be the follower spring right? What else could it possible be?
Well, it could the ejection port opening size but, since it's an Impact, I doubt that. I'd first call Impact and tell them what's happening and what cartridge. Then I'd call Hawkins.
Well, it could the ejection port opening size but, since it's an Impact, I doubt that. I'd first call Impact and tell them what's happening and what cartridge. Then I'd call Hawkins.
I thought that too but it does it with a fired casing as well so plenty of room to get out of the port opening. I'll give Hawkins a call.
I tried to call both Hawkins and Impact for 20 minutes straight with no luck so here's the message I sent both of them:

Hello - I've tried to call so I can troubleshoot over the phone but I have not been able to get through. I've got an issue with failure to eject. I'm running an Impact Precision 737 Titan and Hawkins Precision Hunter DBM. The rifle is chambered in 6.8Western. If I load three cartridges into the magazine and cycle the bolt without firing, the first cartridge will be extracted from the chamber perfectly fine and the ejector is strong enough to point the cartridge toward the port opening as the bolt moves to the rear. When the bolt reaches the rear, instead of the cartridge being ejected out of the port it simply stays in the action and sits on the round underneath. I have to physically remove the cartridge from the action and cycle the next round which does the exact same thing. Once the first two rounds are out of the way, the third round will chamber, eject and extract perfectly. At first I thought it was just because it was a complete cartridge and maybe the tip of the bullet was hitting the inside of the action, but it does the exact same thing while firing and attempting to eject spent casings. The first two fail and the third works flawlessly. I have confirmed that the bolt does not make any contact with an empty magazine while cycling the bolt. The magazine lips and follower are completely untouched by the bolt. I am thinking that the follower spring is too stiff and the pressure from the cartridges below are over riding the ejector and causing the casing to get pushed up rather than out the ejection port. Have you ever run into this issue? Is there any help or advice you could provide here? I have two magazines with this setup and both do the exact same thing.
They are just as baffled as I am. We tried removing the stock and running the bottom metal directly to the action with pillars, cycled fast, cycled slow, tried to spread the follower spring, tried to shorten the follower spring and literally nothing is working. I'm thinking the ejector spring is just simply being overridden by the upward pressure from the magazine spring. I ordered another ejector kit from impact to see if that changes anything. Hawkins is going to try to talk to more of their guys and get back to me next week.
Any update on this? Having the same issue but only when running the bolt hard. If I run it slower and smoother it ejects them all. Impact NBK 7 PRC, Hawkins Hunter DBM, Magnum Mag.