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Jun 8, 2004
Check Out My New Video: IOR Spartan Evaluation...

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We had some comments that I would like to address. I felt like if this shooter has these statements and questions then perhaps you may have them as well.

“To comment on the video I have to register as a customer? Why in the world would I put my address out there to comment on something like this.” We have made it so you do not have to be registered to leave feedback. As for the Address info it is not shared, it is really for when you go online to order product and to use the forum.

“Why would you consider testing a BDC scope when you don’t have the ammo it is calibrated for?” A lot of shooters do not always shoot what the BDC is setup for. I get asked “Will my round work with a BDC knob or BDC reticle even if it is not designed for it?” The answer is yes, as long as the round is in spectrum of what it was designed for.

BDC knobs are designed to get a HIT on Minute of Man size targets, to get a shot off quickly at distance as in a counter sniper or a hunting situation. BDC knobs are NOT designed for precision shots at distances. The targets I was shooting at were smaller than Minute of Man so if I was able to get hits on these size targets the BDC knob was doing its job very well.

“Why would you test the BDC with the wrong ammo on targets that show no result other than a “hit”?”
These targets do show feedback, as the bullet hit the target you can see where it impacts. It is hard at times to see it on the chickens. On the PIG you can see the impact hits center-mass between the two existing shots already there, the TURKEY you can see the impact just slightly above the leg, and for the RAM you can see the hit high and right next to the neck.

“Take the time and do it right, perhaps move a paper target out to each range and fire one on the target from each range and see how she does for a group.”
The only way to really do this test 100%:
• Shoot the ammo the BDC knob was based on not just the grain weight but the manufacture for all manufactures shoot differently.
• To shoot it from the type of rifle it was made for Bolt or Auto and the barrel length.
• Shoot it at the altitude it was designed for. Altitude and temperature will have a great effect on how the round will travel.

We have a 1,000yd range that is all paper and I was going to take it all the way out. The problem was the 1k range was booked. Even if we did the paper as long as it was getting a hit on a Minute of Man size target it would be doing its job. Group size is not what we were after on this review. Group size is not only based on the scope but the ammo, the quality of the rifle, and the shooters ability. How BDC knob tracks was what this review was about. If we got good hits at the distances the BDC was meant for then it was working the way it should.

To sum it up BDC knobs and reticles are designed to get you a solid hit on the target quickly and most are not made for pinpoint accuracy. Just because it has a BDC knob or reticle you do not need to always use the round it was designed for, as long as it is close to the spectrum you will be good to go.

We love to get the feedback, good or bad for it helps us to better serve you.

Thanks for your time...

How many Mils do you think a 15 Mil Turret has? The answer may surprise you...

We have some Premier 3-15 scopes in-stock right now with special pricing for a limited time. They're advertised as 15 mil, but that's not exactly the case with this new and improved model.


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We had some comments that I would like to address. I felt like if this shooter has these statements and questions then perhaps you may have them as well.

“To comment on the video I have to register as a customer? Why in the world would I put my address out there to comment on something like this.” We have made it so you do not have to be registered to leave feedback. As for the Address info it is not shared, it is really for when you go online to order product and to use the forum.

“Why would you consider testing a BDC scope when you don’t have the ammo it is calibrated for?” A lot of shooters do not always shoot what the BDC is setup for. I get asked “Will my round work with a BDC knob or BDC reticle even if it is not designed for it?” The answer is yes, as long as the round is in spectrum of what it was designed for.

BDC knobs are designed to get a HIT on Minute of Man size targets, to get a shot off quickly at distance as in a counter sniper or a hunting situation. BDC knobs are NOT designed for precision shots at distances. The targets I was shooting at were smaller than Minute of Man so if I was able to get hits on these size targets the BDC knob was doing its job very well.

“Why would you test the BDC with the wrong ammo on targets that show no result other than a “hit”?”
These targets do show feedback, as the bullet hit the target you can see where it impacts. It is hard at times to see it on the chickens. On the PIG you can see the impact hits center-mass between the two existing shots already there, the TURKEY you can see the impact just slightly above the leg, and for the RAM you can see the hit high and right next to the neck.

“Take the time and do it right, perhaps move a paper target out to each range and fire one on the target from each range and see how she does for a group.”
The only way to really do this test 100%:
• Shoot the ammo the BDC knob was based on not just the grain weight but the manufacture for all manufactures shoot differently.
• To shoot it from the type of rifle it was made for Bolt or Auto and the barrel length.
• Shoot it at the altitude it was designed for. Altitude and temperature will have a great effect on how the round will travel.

We have a 1,000yd range that is all paper and I was going to take it all the way out. The problem was the 1k range was booked. Even if we did the paper as long as it was getting a hit on a Minute of Man size target it would be doing its job. Group size is not what we were after on this review. Group size is not only based on the scope but the ammo, the quality of the rifle, and the shooters ability. How BDC knob tracks was what this review was about. If we got good hits at the distances the BDC was meant for then it was working the way it should.

To sum it up BDC knobs and reticles are designed to get you a solid hit on the target quickly and most are not made for pinpoint accuracy. Just because it has a BDC knob or reticle you do not need to always use the round it was designed for, as long as it is close to the spectrum you will be good to go.

We love to get the feedback, good or bad for it helps us to better serve you.

Thanks for your time,
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