Group get together (hunts)


Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2013
northwest florida
Anyone interested planning or scheduling hunts together. I have met some great people on here and hope to hunt with some of them in the future. Any one interested in these type of outings. I usually go to Louisiana bow fishing at night and these shoots can usually accommodate 6 people. I am acquiring points in several dates for future hunts. I am sure others are too.


Hey post where you want to go and some guys get together. I am in Florida we can meet in the middle some where. What are guys going to hunt next year


I wanting to do prairie dogs in Colorado, Nilgai in Texas, Aoudad in Texas and moose in Canada. Yeah I am down to go lol.
I will post when I am ready to go to Texas for Nilgai. I don’t have any buddies with money that can go and it would be cool if guys from the forum want in
Waiting to see if my Africa trip is going to get canceled. If it’s canceled I am looking Nilgai in 2021.
I wanting to do prairie dogs in Colorado, Nilgai in Texas, Aoudad in Texas and moose in Canada. Yeah I am down to go lol.
I will post when I am ready to go to Texas for Nilgai. I don’t have any buddies with money that can go and it would be cool if guys from the forum want in
Waiting to see if my Africa trip is going to get canceled. If it’s canceled I am looking Nilgai in 2021.

I might be interested in Texas nalgai at some point. Any idea what the cost to do that would be? They just recently got on my radar so I haven't really done much research on it yet.
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