Funny now


Well-Known Member
Oct 12, 2021
This is a bit long and hope everyone understands....

So I made mention in my post, "True Story" that there was more to the story, namely 2 boys who believed Daddy's rules were all talk. I hesitated to post the rest as it could be misconstrued as lacking respect for law enforcement. Nothing could be further from the truth, but was I willing to explain why? I have met 3 police officers who shouldn't be officers, period. They will lie under oath, submit false police reports, and have repeatedly, for the sole purpose of enhancing their arrest records, nothing more. Now I am speaking from a position of knowledge, having worked under cover for police numerous times, starting at age 19, and on and off most of my adult life. I was very good at it, so they moved me from place to place, each time having a new name, and a new back story, You have to sever all ties to family, friends, even classmates and it takes a toll. They say no man is an island, and yet, when you find you have a $30,000 contract on your head, you become an island. I thought initially I would quit when I was older, but when I became a Dad, it seemed more important to remove dealers from society. I remember asking my oldest girl, why she had never even tried pot, despite huge peer pressure. She looked me straight in the eye and said, "I didn't want to see you go to prison for killing the dealer" So bear this in mind as you read the story. And that contract was in the 70's, not last week. No idea what it is in todays dollars, but at the time it was so high, that they assigned 6 state troopers to surround me entering the courthouse and every one of those officers new the risk of protecting me...

My oldest caught her then boyfriend stealing from his employer, like thousands of dollars in electronics. She gave him a choice. It all goes back, or we are done. He refused, and I remember that day as she came home, slammed the front door so hard, the wall shook. She yelled "MEN SUCK!!!" as she crossed the living room.

Somehow I sensed she may need some time to cool off a bit....really hard to put my finger on it....

Took two days before she could tell me what was going on. I had some reservations with that boy, but I knew two things she needed to learn. Sometimes you need to let the child stumble, it makes them more open to listening, and sometimes the only way a girl learns to spot and appreciate the "Prince" is to let them kiss some frogs. And it's painful....for both parties.

Shortly after the break up, store security zeroed in on him, and stupidly tried to confront him before notifying police. Gave him time to dispose of the merchandise, scrub his Ebay account, and hire an attorney. That's also when her car was broken into, and both trashed and robbed of its custom stereo. That failed though as her car insurance paid for everything, including an even nicer stereo. At the time, I was hopeful it was over, but there really isn't a cure for stupid. So the ex approached another boy, a boyfriend wannabee, that she had repeatedly told she wasn't interested. They came up with this plan. Boy 2 would falsely report to police that my daughter requested a meeting at a Walmart Supercenter, and when she arrived, an unknown male jumped from her car and threatened him with a GUN! Let that sink in, with a gun...I had multiple officers at my home in less than an hour.

All believing a gun threat....just think about how quickly, and badly, that could go wrong. Obviously, they had skipped rule #9

The detective wasn't very forthcoming with information, but just demanded I produce my daughter....not gonna happen...and we had a tense back and forth, with me offering my attorneys name if he was refusing to answer any questions. He finally stated they were investigating a threat with a gun. My reaction to that was I laughed. "Come on in, make yourself comfortable" and I then called her cell phone. When she answered, I told her I needed her to come home immediately, but I wouldn't say why. My daughter is very sharp and started asking why? I didn't want them to catch her alone, but I also didn't want her panicking either. She knew something was wrong. I just kept repeating "I need you to come home right now" Having just gotten off work, she had been at her boss's home when I called. Even her boss was suspicious. After a few minutes, she agreed and headed home. While we waited, the detective paced back and forth in my living room, muttering to himself what he was gonna do when she arrived....this didn't set well with me....Even if God himself wants my daughter, well he's gonna have to go through me first. I know I'm gonna lose, but that's okay. And God is also a Dad, so he understands....

About the second muttered threat, I asked the detective if he brought 2 sets of broke his train of thought momentarily, and after a moment he replied, "No, why?"

"Because if you make one more threat towards my daughter, you're gonna need a second set of cuffs"

There was a long quiet period, but no more threats. When my daughter arrived and saw police cars, she assumed it was for me, not her, and rightfully so. When she entered the house and was accosted with the complaint, she almost panicked and ran, but managed to push down the fear as I was there. Still, while denying the charges in tears, she remembered she still had a time stamped receipt for materials she had bought at her boss's request, showing her on the opposite side of town. She couldn't have been there. The detective was slowly becoming aware the boy may have lied....I know, earth shattering revelation...

This is when I asked the detective if any of this was on the security cameras at Walmart...they NEVER checked. He told me he should probably review them, WOW, Ya think?

On the security tapes, it showed the two boys, my daughter was never there. Some two weeks later, that same detective called me. I knew he had been to her workplace a few times to talk to her, and asked her if she had been threatened or intimidated by those boys. She had advised him to look around the parking lot as Dad was parked discretely somewhere out there. When he called, he was letting me know they were closing the case. He said the prosecutor would not press charges without the boys confessing, since having it all on video wasn't enough. He wanted her to tell me, and she flatly refused. I was stunned. So after listening to all the excuses, I shared my resolve.

"Fine, I'll take care of it" There was an awkward silence before he said, "Now Mr. X, don't go doing anything rash" to which I answered.....

"What I'm about to do is cold and calculating" adding, "And you will be investigating, so I have nothing to worry about" CLICK!

AND I WENT HUNTING...they will NEVER forget me....bear in mind, I'm 5' 8" and one of them played defensive tackle in college football. He was 6' 4" and 260lbs of dead meat.

Some 6-8 months later, I get a call from my daughter. She had changed jobs, and was then managing a retail jewelry store. One of those boys, the big one, had just been there, but she wasn't sure he knew she had changed companies. He brought his girlfriend of the month, to have a ring resized for the umpteenth time. When she saw him from her office, she couldn't resist, and loudly asked for all to hear, "How many times has that ring been resized?"

She said he looked around angrily until his eyes landed on her, then he turned white as a ghost, grabbed the ring and the girl and ran from the mall. So she told me he didn't know she had changed jobs. I agreed. Still, she had to ask me, "Daddy, what exactly did you do to them?"

"Sweetie, there are some things you're better off not knowing. Plausible deniability."

All of this is true, so help me God.

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